Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Year of the Rat...

Happy New Year! Welcome 2008! Wow....... 2007 is behind us now. I'm feeling energized, excited and ready to welcome the energy of a new year. But I need all of the guidance I can get. What does this year have in store for me? For Little Edie? And for Jake? Today is a good day to check all of your horoscopes. Did you know that 2008 is the year of the Rat? Check out what this Chinese Horoscope site says about this year:

After two Fire years, life may seem calmer during this Earth year. That could be deceptive, however, as the Rat never stops moving -- especially when it comes to mental activity. Unfortunately, Earth has a destructive relationship with the Rat's fixed element, Water. This is not disastrous, but it does mean you should not rely too much on luck this year.

On the other hand, the combination of Earth and Rat means this is extremely positive year for achieving results. The Rat tends to take a lot of risks, while Earth is associated with practicality and stability. This creates balance and can lead to good profits, increased productivity and all other accomplishments. Additionally, under Earth's influence there could be fewer scandals than in other Rat years.

The Rat is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac and signifies new beginnings. That makes this year an appropriate time to start new ventures and break new ground. This includes new ideas, directions and ways of doing things. It is a time to experiment and put plans into action, as there will be plenty of opportunities to achieve success. Remember that things began during this year are likely to have long term consequences, so choose your actions wisely to enrich your life.

This year is also an equally good time for thinking and all manner of intellectual endeavors. Planning, scholarship and research, for example, are favorable activities. It is also an auspicious time for the arts; although, under Earth's influence, applied arts such as design and graphics may do best.

Earth favors those who are tied to the land, do a lot of routine work, deal with practical matters or perform work of a spiritual nature. Based on the characteristics of both Earth and Rat, it could be a very good year for those with careers in business, construction, engineering, academia, planning and the clergy.

There is likely to be a focus on career and self-improvement this year, to the detriment of family. Therefore, you need to be attentive and creative so that the family area of your does not suffer. It is, however, a relatively good time to begin a new romance. Those in a relationship may want to consider raising it to the next level, including marriage.

Since this is an Earth year, those people born in a Metal year will generally fare better than others of their animal sign, while those born in a Water year are likely to do worse than those born in Wood, Fire, and Earth years.

Health issues vary not only by sign, but also by individual. Your best bet is to visit a Chinese doctor to have your balances checked and get personalized advice for the coming year. It is an Earth year, so one thing we can say in general is to get enough exercise and be on the alert for unwanted weight gains. Inactivity could lead to problems.

In closing, 2008 will be a year of possibilities, a time of progress -- although not very spectacular. Those who take the biggest risks could be disappointed. Everyone should, nevertheless, add something new to their life during this year of fruitful new beginnings.

For more info and to find out you and your pets Chinese astrology profile check out:

You can also get your yearly profile here:

And of course, my favorite, Astrology Zone has your monthly forecast for January:

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