Friday, January 04, 2008

Francis Albert Friday!

Frank wasn't just Frank. Nor was he just Francis Albert. We had several nicknames for Frank. Isn't it funny how you always manage to do that with your pets? Here are a few:

Scooby Doo
Mr. P.P.
P.P. Lover
Mr. 4th of July
The Boy
Cute Boy
PP Boy
The Heart
Heart Lover
Sugar Heart
Pappi (Wanda's name for him)
Fransisco Alberto (Wanda's name for him)
Francis Alouicious (Greg's name for him)
Mr. Watanabe
Fat F*ck Frank
The Mustang

Then there's a sound that Joe used to make that I don't know how to spell. Simple, fast little sound. That was Frank's sound. And he had a song too. More on that in a later post.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few but these were the main ones that his family used all the time. He knew them all and would proudly answer to any of them.

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