Saturday, January 26, 2008

Attenti al Gatto! Attenti al Cane!!

For the last five years my friend, Karen, and I have spent part of every summer in the picturesque city of Positano on the famed Amalfi Coast in Italy. Pictured here, from our favorite hotel, in our favorite room, we survey the beach, the strand and the sea. We watch the ferries and yachts come and go, we watch the dogs play on the beach and the cats jump from the rooftops.

Positano has lots of cats and dogs. There are many strays that have made their home here. I always manage to find a cute kitten cowering by a step crying for its mother. For three years in a row I had the same cat come and find me in the same restaurant to beg for fish as I ate my favorite seafood salad. I have used up lots of video filming cats in outdoor restaurants or playing on rooftops. There is a resident dog there who wanders back and forth from his owners restaurant on one side of the beach, to their other restaurant, club and home on the other side. We see him at all hours of the day and night. You never have to worry about losing your pet here. Everyone knows everybody and they all know the pets' names.

This cute little dog is one of a pair that belongs to a man who camps out at the top of these steps by our hotel and paints. She sits at attention like a spihnx as if she's guarding her owner's territory. This summer we watched a cute little white dog named Fiocco (Snowflake in English) escape from her owner and run all over town with everybody chasing her and calling "FIOCCO!!" until she finally came back........ much to the relief of her owner. We knew she didn't have to worry. Fiocco would never have gone too far.......

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