Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Today is my dad's 79th birthday! Here's my mom and dad with their dogs Pinky & Daisy at the opening of the new dog park by their house a couple of years ago. Sadly, Pinky left us last year. My dad has always had a love for animals - especially dogs. We always had a dog since I was a kid - Maggie, Blackie, Bruno, Brandy, Pinky and now Daisy. Along the way we also had birds and hamsters too. My dad is his own kind of dog whisperer. Dogs love him and are always drawn to him. He is constantly finding stray dogs in his neighborhood and taking them in until he finds their owner. I call him the mayor of his street. Everyone knows they can count on my dad to keep a watchful eye! All of our dogs were strays that we found and never found the owner. They were all so lucky to have been found by my dad. My dad instilled my love for animals and I celebrate him here today! Happy Birthday dad!!

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