Thursday, January 31, 2008
Is This Really Possible???

The Dog Ate My _________

The mishap occurred Wednesday when Chris Gallagher requested that a courier leave the anticipated package under the doormat of his Avondale home. The courier instead slipped the envelope under the front door. [The dog] Buddy accepted delivery. But the tickets go down as Buddy's most expensive chew toy, the remains emblazoned with the Vince Lombardi Trophy scattered across the living room floor. When Gallagher walked in that night, Buddy zipped out the doggy door. The dog would remain in the back yard for two nights afterward. "He's a troublemaker," Gallagher said. "But he looks at you with those big eyes and you can't be mad for long."
The good news is that the $900 tickets can be replaced and Gallagher will be able to go to the game. Better news is that all is forgotten with Buddy and the mess he made. The lesson to be learned? If you are a mail carrier ... follow directions or your company may have to replace something very valuable.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Cats Pajamas??

It's the Evolutionary Story for the Day!

Height: Dogs 12-15 inches (30-38cm) Bitches 11-14 inches (28-36cm)Weight: Dogs 50-65 pounds (23-29kg) Bitches 45-60 pounds (20-27kg)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Maneki Neko

If you wish to follow feng shui guidelines when placing your lucky cats, you should not only take into account the house area where you place them, but also the elements they contain. Therefore, if you will place your lucky cats in a metal area you should choose them made of metal, or if they will be in a fire area they should contain fire colors.
Lucky cats symbolize protection in all senses. They can see in the dark and protect you from what you might not be aware of. They would defend not only your income but also your house and all those who live in it. If you have them in your office, they will help you succeeding in your career as well as improving and protecting your income.
Central Bark

Monday, January 28, 2008
In Memory of Ponce and Zola

Hot Bitch of The Week!

THE WIZARD OF OZ was written by L. Frank Baum and published in 1900. One of the book's starring characters is a little dog named Toto, the pet of a Kansas farm girl named Dorothy. Toto's breed is never specified in the book, but the illustrator, W.W.Denslow, drew a dog that looks a lot like a Cairn Terrier. When casting began for the famous movie production, the casting department had the most trouble casting the part of Toto, because of the confusion about his breed.
Toto was played by a dog named Terry, who was in fact a female dog although she is referred to as "he" throughout the movie. Terry was acquired by animal trainer Carl Spitz, more than three years before filming began. Terry was a very shy dog, but soon warmed up and became comfortable working in front of the camera. Spitz received $125 per week for Terry's work.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
What's In A Name???

Dogs: Max, Molly, Buddy, Bella, Lucy, Maggie, Daisy, Jake, Bailey & Rocky.
Cats: Max, Chloe, Lucy, Tiger, Smokey, Oliver, Bella, Sophie & Princess.
“The continuing popularity of Max is largely due to the fact that it is monosyllabic and simple for people and pets to remember, yet easy to distinguish from common commands," said Dr. Carol McConnell, vice president and chief veterinary officer for VPI. "Plus, it's a fitting name for an active, energetic pet."
Taking a close look at the list, today’s top pet names are more likely to sound like human names rather than traditional pet monikers. A few of the top 10 even appear on the Social Security Administration's list of most common baby names. Jacob (Jake) is the top name for boys, while Isabella (Bella) is number four for girls, and Sophia ranks ninth on both the SSA's list and VPI's cat name list.
There’s a reasonable theory to support this new naming tendency. Pets are family, now more than ever before. Consider these findings from a recent pet owner survey conducted by the American Animal Hospital Association; 93 percent of pet parents would risk their own life for a pet; forty percent of pets sleep in our bed; and half of us carry a pet photo in our wallet!
"The prevalence of pets with human names clearly reflects the growing human-animal bond,” added McConnell. But not all pet parents run with the pack when it comes to choosing a nom de plume for pets. Ask them how they decided on a name, and you’ll likely hear a special story.
When the Rotunda family from Parker Colorado arrived home with their new Golden-Doodle puppy last winter, three-year old Jett exclaimed, “Her name is Soupy”. “I thought he meant ‘Snoopy’, but he corrected me,” recalls Jett’s mom, Stephanie Rotunda, “We don’t know where it came from but it stuck”. Sometimes it’s name-at-first-sight.
‘Reina’ means princess in Spanish. “It had to be her name,” recalls Jennifer Almodovar of Tampa Florida. “The way she was sleeping when I first saw her—she looked like a little princess.”
Other times, pets are named in honor of people we admire. “Yogi got his name because of our love for baseball,” beams Lanie Maes of Denver Colorado. “He’s named after Yogi Berra and he’s a pug, so he has a smooshed face just like Yogi Berra”!
Regardless of your motivation, remember that you’re labeling your pet for its lifetime. It’s a good idea to be creative and thoughtful about the name you select.
Sniff out the following books to enhance your search for the perfect pet name.
“The Complete Book of Pet Names: An ASPCA Book” (Paperback), by George Greenfield
“The Big Book of Pet Names: More Than 10,000 Pet Names (Includes Celebrity Pet Names)” Paperback, by Eugene Boone
“The Best Pet Name Book Ever”, by Wayne Bryant Eldridge (Paperback)
“Happy Hound: Develop a Great Relationship with Your Adopted Dog or Puppy”, by Susan Daffron.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Attenti al Gatto! Attenti al Cane!!

Friday, January 25, 2008
Francis Albert Friday!

The motorcycle.
We don't know why or how it started but we noticed early on in his puppyhood that anytime a motorcycle would pass us as we were walking Frank would go crazy. Barking......circles.....silent barking. Joe would be walking and talking on the phone and a motorcycle would race by without him noticing and Frank would practically pull him into the street as he lunged to try to chase it.
Later we developed a system, especially on the busy streets, where I would keep watch and warn of oncoming assaults. It almost became like a sixth sense. The hairs on the back of my neck would go up if I heard anything that remotely sounded like a motorcycle. If I saw Frank flip his head around I was on guard. Sometimes a pack of them would race by and Joe would stop and sit on Frank to hold him down. The worst was if we had him in the car and one would pull up next to us at a light. Talk about deafening. It was like we had the tazmanian devil in our car.
Somewhere in there he also developed a thing for certain bicycles. That was very unpredictable because it wasn't all of them but every now and again if someone on a bicycle passed us on the walk he would lunge. A few times we didn't see it coming and he actually knocked a couple people off their bikes. Don't know if it was the bike, the person or a combination of the two. Later we learned to always hold him tight if a bike was approaching cause we just never knew.
There were certainly plenty of embarrassing moments on street corners with this out of control Doberman lunging at motorcycles and his owner trying to hold him back. People would point, some would laugh, some would just stare not knowing what to think.
We never got the chance to understand why he had such a reaction to motorcyles but to this day we all still cringe when we hear or see one go by. The other day Joe, Darren and I took our Sunday morning stroll and a whole pack of motorcyles whizzed by us. We all just looked at each other and laughed and decided that it was a fitting tribute to Frank.
Dog Perignon

Little Edie can hardly carry hers. It's almost as big as she is. She grabs the top and drags it across the floor!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Baby Edie....
This One's For The Birds.....

'She is quite a character. She guards the house and goes on outings with us, riding in the car and then flying home on her own if she gets bored. 'When my husband kisses me goodbye Bertie does not like it. She puffs herself out and tries to see him off.' Mrs Moor said neighbours thought the family was crazy for their choice of pet. 'But we don't mind,' she added.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Ballerina Girl
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
How Humane is Your City??

Top Ten Animal Friendly Cities
1) San Francisco, CA
2) Seattle, WA
3) Portland, OR
4) Washington, D.C.
5) San Diego, CA
6) Los Angeles, CA
7) Boston, MA
8) Tampa, FL
9) Baltimore, MD
10) Riverside, CA
Fat Cat.....

“Food does not equal love,” chuckles veterinarian, Sonja Olson of Florida Veterinary Specialists in Tampa, Florida. She estimates the vast majority of pet owners overfeed pets without even realizing it. “Volume of food and frequency of feeding is key,” she insists. “It’s very important to have your veterinarian determine the appropriate caloric needs of your cat based on age, activity level and health status.” And be sure to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations (not the manufacturer’s) for how much to feed and how often.
Keeping cats inside offers many healthy advantages. Protected from the hazards of cars, predators and infectious disease, a cat is likely to live longer when not allowed to roam. But an indoor life can be a sedentary one, contributing to obesity. “Find or create things that will be environmentally stimulating to reduce boredom and increase their activity,” suggests Olson.
Allow your cat to enjoy the outdoors in the safety of an enclosed porch, patio or lanai. They’ll enjoy the sunshine, breezes and the ability to watch birds, bugs or other creatures. Inside, your cat’s environment can be enhanced by offering a variety of window perches giving them different vantage points of the outdoors. “This will be far more interesting than sitting on the back of the couch,” Olson points out.
“Be patient, it might take a few minutes for your cat to warm up to the idea of play,” says Olson. She also notes that playtime is great bonding time with your feline.
Catnip-stuffed toys
Feather wands
Cat fishing poles ending in attractive strings or feathers
Toys that can be dragged along the floor
Laser pen light for chasing
Climbing posts or kitty condos — even declawed cats can usually climb these easily
Cats enjoy these household or homemade toys too:
Brown paper bag or cardboard box
Wadded crinkled paper
Wine corks or plastic tops from water or milk containers
Monday, January 21, 2008
Pajama Party...
Hot Bitch of The Week!

Polar bears are an endangered species; due to global warming, their natural habitat is slowly disappearing. When an adorable polar bear cub was born at the Berlin Zoo in December, 2006 and rejected by its mother, the zoo keeper named him Knute and began to raise the tiny cub. When some animal rights activists learned of Knute's existence, they recommended that he be put to death. Their reasoning is that his rejection by his mother is part of the natural process; in the wild he would have been left to die, not raised by a kindhearted zoo keeper. Others argued that his rejection stems from the fact that a large mammal, such as his mother, should not be kept in captivity. Still others argued that, because their habitat is disappearing, zoos are the only safe places for polar bears. Knute was not killed and he continues to enthrall and captivate visitors to the zoo and his many fans around the world.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
In Memory of Cooper.....

"Unexpectedly last night, Cooper took a turn for the worst and let me know in his sweet and kind way that it was time to go. He got into his little bag as if to say he was ready, and together we spent the night side by side. I promised him a nice long walk in the morning if he should change his mind, but he never did and so, together we went to the hospital.
Dr B., (my amazing vet) and I spent quite some time discussing the alternative, which was to "flush" his kidneys temporarily, but agreed that he was in pain and even doing so, would not guarantee he would get any better. Dr. B. couldn't have been any more compassionate - walking me thru every step of the way as we cried together.
Sweet little Cooper went into Acute Renal Failure and was put to sleep early this morning surrounded by me, Dr. B. and much of the staff at the Animal Hospital who showered him with love and kisses before it was time to go.
I am grateful that it happened as quickly as it did, and believe that until last night he was not in any pain. He played with his friends up until last week and just last night stole a piece of prosciutto as it fell off the counter. As a close friend said early this morning....he must have thought at that moment - "I have died and gone to heaven".
I am sad, but at the same time relieved as I know that by now he has worked his way over the rainbow bridge, has found Bentley and the two of them are sharing a bone in the sun...probably comparing notes. I hope they realize how much i loved them both and how much joy they, in return, brought me. Love, Karen"
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Read My Lips...

Molnar and his colleagues at Budapest's ELTE University say they have tested software which distinguishes the emotional reaction of 14 dogs of the Hungarian Mudi herding breed to six situations: When the dog is alone, when it sees a ball, it fights, it plays, it encounters a stranger or it goes for a walk.
'A possible commercial application could be a device for dog-human communication,' the scientist told Reuters.
I think I can help them with this. I must go to Hungary. After months of study, I have cracked Little Edie's code of bark situations. She only has three: Feed me, play with me, love me.
Bless You...

Mexico holds a similar celebration known as the San Antonio Abad Fiestas. San Anton was known for having animals instinctively surround him during his lifetime, which led to the tradition of the blessings.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Francis Albert Friday!

Every couple of months the blimp would appear in the horizon and Frank would go crazy. He would run back and forth from the bedroom to the living room barking at it. It could be way the heck out there but he would see it and go crazy. We could say "Frank....the blimp??" and he would go nuts.
We never knew what made him do that. Did he think it was a big bird? He also had a thing for crows and they would taunt him as they flew precariously close to the sliding doors all around the house. Maybe he thought the blimp was the mothership of the crows? Who knows......
The other day I was at the house and there was the Goodyear blimp....way out there. I had that adrenaline rush kick in as I cringed waiting for Frank to go crazy. That didn't happen. Wanda, Joe and I watched the blimp in silence and we all missed Frank.

Apparently, Conan also prays before going out for walks, or before feeding time. Conan was named after the mystery writer, Arthur Conan Doyle. Not Conan the Barbarian, sadly.
I'm sorry to have to break it to the priests but I think this is just a standard Chihuahua trait. Little Edie does this all the time. When she's trying to get my attention or when she's trying to play with Jake, she breaks into this pose. But hers is more like a dance. She just keeps doing it until she gets what she wants....
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Nickname Game

I'm Puzzled.....
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
How Will Your Dog Vote??
It's the Evolutionary Story for the Day!

Height: Dogs 16-17 inches (41-43 cm.) Bitches 15-16 inches (38-41 cm.)Weight: Dogs 22-26 pounds (10-12 kg.) Bitches 20-25 pounds (9-11 kg.)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Home Alone?

Here's a preview of one that someone put on You Tube....
The Pet Sitter DVDs and videos are available for cats, dogs and even for birds. Hours of fun.....
Monday, January 14, 2008
Fashion Forward II
This year's look: The Wrecked Socialite
Karen Burshtein, National Post
Published: Friday, January 11, 2008
Each year, the world of fashion seems to require a new It icon. Two years ago, it was pin-up girl Bettie Page. Last year, a doomed queen, Marie Antoinette. This season, it's Little Edie, the wrecked New York socialite and first cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy.
The subject of a cult 1975 documentary, Edith Bouvier Beale, led a bizarre Tennessee Williams-like existence at Grey Gardens, her family's crumbling, vermin-infested East Hampton mansion, where, after a brief stint as a model and aspiring actress, she spent decades taking care of her mother, Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale (Big Edie), with dozens of cats their only company.
An iconoclast in dress, as well as lifestyle, her "revolutionary costumes" have served as inspiration to the occasional eccentric designer, drag queen or Olsen twin. But today, Little Edie is all over the culture, like so many raccoons in the attic.
Her signature look would make Martin Margiela hyperventilate: old cashmere skirts worn upside down over torn stockings, cardigans worn back to front, ratty old fur coats worn with bathing caps and hot pants and turbans fashioned from sweaters or towels and fastened with an enormous brooch.
Designers Todd Oldham, Isaac Mizrahi and John Bartlett have all sampled Edie's style, and photographer Steven Meisel paid tribute to her a few years ago in an Italian Vogue spread.
But the recent Little Edie fever is due, in part, to a new HBO movie about the Bouvier Beales. Currently filming in Toronto, with a screenplay by Patricia Rozema, the movie will feature Drew Barrymore in the lead role. Barrymore bears a striking resemblance to the remarkably beautiful and well-connected young debutante (who claimed she'd once been engaged to Joe Kennedy Jr.), scurrying glamorously through the Royal York (posing as New York's Pierre Hotel, where Little Edie came out before she unravelled).
But the fever is also due to Paris designer John Galliano's Spring 2008 fashion show, which, to the soundtrack of the Tony Award-winning musical Grey Gardens, paid homage to Little Edie's style, with off-kilter sweaters and models' grey hair wrapped around their heads like a turban.
Marc Jacobs also pays tribute to Little Edie this season with lots of layered looks, as does Philip Lim, though the latter's "pedigree minus the prudence" theme was a looser interpretation, primarily dresses that looked like wrapped towels.
Not everyone is enthusiastic about the Little Edie look, however. Toronto fashion writer David Livingstone, for one, would prefer to "get this God damn tiresome phenomenon into a scarf shaped like a sweater and be done with it."
But the Edies are hotter then ever. Pop culture can't seem to get enough of the ladies who ate ice cream out of containers they shared with their cats.
Someone out there in YouTube land has done a mash-up, featuring Edie's most famous fashion statement, uttered in the opening sequence of the documentary Grey Gardens: "This is the best thing to wear for the day." She was referring to a tablecloth she had pinned into a skirt and wore over mesh stockings that she'd pulled over shorts. "The best thing is to wear pantyhose or some pants under a short skirt, I think," she says. "And you can always take off the skirt and use it as a cape."
Any fashion employee worth his or her Tods will spout Edie's motto at least once a day in the office. He or she will also be expert in the gnomic asides and high-camp statements Edie delivers throughout the movie: "I can't get the thumbtack in the wall ... I've got the saddest life."
Which may explain why Rufus Wainwright devoted a song to Grey Gardens on his Poses album and why Sarah Jessica Parker has been photographed recently wearing a ratty fur coat, sequined skull cap and pyjama bottoms. Kylie Minogue is said to have watched Grey Gardens 100 consecutive times. Try renting the DVD - chances are, it's been checked out by a teenager who covers her head with a stained Hermès scarf she found at Goodwill.
The Grey Gardens documentary was directed by Albert and David Maysles, of Gimme Shelter fame. Jackie Kennedy's sister, Lee Radziwill, hired the brothers to make a film about the Bouvier family, including their eccentric aunt (the sister of their father, John Bouvier) and cousin. But the two Edies proved to be the film's most enthusiastic participants.
The Bouvier Beales had already known notoriety. In 1971 the National Enquirer broke the story that Jackie's cousins were living in squalor, camped out together in a single bedroom in the crumbling 28-room mansion where they also kept a fridge full of cat food. The house stunk of feline urine and had no running water.
Jackie and Lee intervened cheque-wise, before the Suffolk country Health authorities made good on their threat to have the beach-front dwelling condemned.
Five years later, by the time the Maysles started filming, the house had fallen back into a state of decay. The documentary that was meant to be about the Bouvier family ended up being a film about the two Edies, which Jacqueline and Lee, mortified, tried to have burned. Watching the film is like watching a train wreck - you can't take your eyes off the Edies' folie à deux.
Drinking cocktails from a jam jar in her twin bed, the 79-year-old mother, all sagging breasts and straggly hair, tosses jabs at her then 54-year-old daughter. They bicker and talk about the past, yet seem at times to sweeten to each other's flea-bitten company.
Amid the squalor are moments of trenchant wit. "Oh look, the cat's going to the bathroom on my portrait," Big Edie says. "I'm glad someone's doing what they want."
The film could also serve as a pre-feminist-era metaphor for missed opportunity. Like a Chekhovian sister, Little Edie still mourns the few years she lived in New York. ("I was going to have an audition with Max Gordon, the famous producer! He discovered Judy Holliday!").
By the film's end, though, you have one foot on their side, if only because they are so damn unapologetic about their life (quite Jackie O, come to think of it).
So what is it about this Little Edie style? It's not just the fleas that make us scratch our heads. We have to wonder: What exactly is so important and, for that matter, so "now" about it?
Well, Edie does, as Todd Oldham points out in an interview on the DVD, possess a hallmark of the truly stylish: Consistency. "She knew what suited her. Those turbans, for example, were perfect for her face," he says. (She was also, reportedly, bald, afflicted with alopecia.)
But the real importance of Edie's style, as another designer once explained, "is not so much the clothes as the spirit, the utter originality of them. Edie Beale's look goes beyond fashion. It's like the true meaning of the word style."
In fact, her utterly nutter style has had an impact on how we dress. Let us count the ways:
Edie helped introduce the notion of styling a look, rather then merely wearing clothes. And layering: Onion dressing has, so far, been the defining characteristic of this decade. Recycling: The third-life fur coat is a big trend - now that grandmother's ratty mink is environmentally green, the Fur Council of Canada tells us.
Edie was also a pioneer of high-lo chic and the dishevelled rich-girl look, best exemplified by the Olsen twins. Fashion bloggers, who say "That's so Little Edie" about a look, explain: "The point is that once upon a time, you had all the money in the world ... and look at you now."
There's something pretty existential about that. Not only does Edie's style challenge aristocratic notions of acceptable eccentricity, there's also a foreboding subtext about privilege - that it's not going to last any way.
Of course, what's troubling is that it's hard to tell how much of the ratty sweaters is pure provocation and how much is poverty. In which case co-opting Edie's look might be exploitative.
There's something inherently contradictory about aping the Little Edie look, since the whole point of her style was that it was truly original. She'd want you to create your own revolutionary costume. The question is: Do you dare?
Epilogue: Little Edie died five years ago, aged 84. Big Edie died one year after the Maysleses' film was released. Little Edie finally returned to New York, where she had a brief run in a cabaret show, then spent her final years comfortably in Florida, where she swam in the ocean every day and, instead of cats, had hordes of fan mail for company.
The Dog Whisperer

Set your TIVO for a new season of one hour long episodes of The Dog Whisperer. You can also catch Cesar and a ton of cool info on his website http://www.cesarmillaninc.com/. Jake and Little Edie have added Cesar's website to their 'List of Helpful Links' so you can always check in with Cesar and his pack.
Hot Bitch of The Week!

John F. Kennedy's family loved animals and their White House was full of them. Jacqueline Kennedy designed a special play area for her children, Caroline and John, by the West Wing, which included housing for their animals. Caroline Kennedy was given a pony by then-Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Caroline named her pony Macaroni and Macaroni received letters from children all over the world. During the winter, when snow fell, Macaroni often pulled Caroline and John all over the White House grounds in a sled.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Doberman & The Chihuahua
No, this is not a story about Frank and Little Edie. You all know by now that I love You Tube. Well, there is a guy on You Tube that has a Doberman named Ramsey and a Chihuahua named Pablo. His channel is called "The Ramsey and Pablo Show". He has 50 videos of his adorable dogs. He has over 2,600 subscribers and over 130,000 total views.
Ramsey is the most beautiful and expressive Doberman I've ever seen besides Frank. You think I'm obsessed??? This guy is my hero. You can tell he has a great sense of humor and he so clearly loves his dogs.
You can link to his home page and watch all his videos here: http://youtube.com/profile?user=cwdressen
Grey Gardens Sunday
Do you know why they called it Grey Gardens??? The answer is provided by Little Edie in this video.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Can I get a Chihuahua Soy Latte??

I must find an agent for Little Edie. Just like her namesake, she's waiting for her big audition......
Endless Love.....

Oscar the dog and Arthur the cat were best of friends. They were inseparable. When 17-year-old Arthur died Oscar didn't know what to do with himself. Arthur's owners buried Arthur in their garden.
Oscar must have been watching or his sixth sense kicked in, because in the dead of night he went out into the garden and dug Arthur up. He carried Arthur to the basket they shared and gently cleaned him up. The owners found Oscar curled up next to Arthur's dead body the next morning. Poor Oscar.......
Now the owners have securely and secretly buried Arthur and they got Oscar a new kitten playmate named Limpet. Hopefully Oscar will learn to love Limpet as much as he loved Arthur.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Francis Albert Friday!
Introducing Mr. Chow and Peanut!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Hello Kitty!
Ahoy Matey!!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
Go Fed Ex!
"So.....I think being pet friendly is a Fed Ex requirement (unlike the USPS...ahem....).
We have a substitute Fed Ex lady on Tuesdays who loves Cooper....she freaked out one day when she thought I said "he was no longer with us", but I was talking about something else. If she sees him in the office, she literally gets on the concrete floor and rolls around with him. It's the highlight of his day. Anyway, I hadn't seen her in a while and it happened that she came in today. I told her she'd missed Cooper because he'd been in the office the last couple of days. She asked how he was...if he was eating...sleeping, etc. She then unexpectedly dug deep into those god awful Fed Ex pants...and handed me two tiny dog treats! She said they were all natural, real lamb....etc. I took them but didn't have the heart to tell her that Cooper couldn't have them. I wanted to tell her he can only have shredded carrots as a treat, but was afraid she'd pull one out of her pocket the next time around :) "
It's the Evolutionary Story for the Day!

There are two types of Labradors, the English Labrador and the American Labrador. The English bred lab comes from English bred stock. Their general appearance is different. The English bred labs are heavier, thicker and blockier. The American bred Lab comes from American bred stock and is tall and lanky. The Labrador Retriever is a solid, muscular dog, slightly longer than tall, with a short, hard, easy-care, water-resistant double coat that does not have any waves and comes in solid black, yellow, or chocolate. There is also said to be a rare silver or gray color that is referred to by the AKC as a shade of chocolate. This color is controversial and some claim it is a Weimaraner cross, while others say it is a true mutation. The Labrador has a broad head, thick nose, scissors bite and a pronounced stop. Its muzzle is fairly wide and its neck is powerful. The eyes are chestnut or hazel with an intelligent expression. The medium-sized ears are pendant. The otter tail is strong, thick near the body then tapering, and completely covered with hair. Its limbs have good bone structure. The webbed feet aid in swimming.
The Labrador Retriever is a loving, affectionate, lovable, patient dog. Highly intelligent, loyal, willing, and high-spirited. Lively and good-natured, they love to play, especially in water - for they love to swim. They have an excellent, reliable, temperament and are friendly, superb with children and equable with other dogs. They crave human attention and need to feel as though they are part of the family. Labs are easily trained. Some may be reserved with strangers unless very well socialized as puppies. These dogs are watchdogs, not guard dogs, although some have been known to guard. They can become destructive if left too much to their own devices. Train Labradors early not to pull on the leash, as they have very strong necks. Show lines are generally heavier and easier going than field lines. Field lines tend to be very energetic and high strung. Often the best pets are from combination show/field stock. This breed is very popular. If you are planning to show, buy only from a reputable breeder. Labs are a bit more dominant and independent than the Golden Retriever. Some of their talents include: hunting, tracking, retrieving, watch dogging, police work, narcotics detection, guide for the blind, service dog for the disabled, search and rescue, sledding, carting, agility, and competitive obedience. Labs bred from English lines (English Labs) are more calm and laid back than Labradors bred from American lines. English Labs mature quicker than the American type.
Height: Dogs 22-24 inches (56-61cm.) Bitches 21-23 inches (53-58cm.)Weight: Dogs 60-75 pounds (27-34kg.) Bitches 55-70 pounds (25-32kg.) Some males can grow to 100 pounds (45kg) or more.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Polar Bear SOS
The polar bear is considered a marine mammal -- like walruses, seals and whales -- because its main habitat is sea ice. They need that ice as a platform for hunting, for travel to denning areas to give birth, and for mating. As their sea ice melts and their food sources decline, polar bears are forced to swim further and further to ever-distant ice floes. During these extremely arduous swims, polar bears are increasingly drowning. And scientists predict that as the movement of sea ice increases, some bears will lose contact with a main body of ice and drift into unsuitable habitat, making it impossible to return.
Meet Mojo....