Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Scoop on Cooper....

I present to you.....Cooper! Cooper belongs to my friend Karen. I have never, ever, ever met a dog with more energy. Karen would tell me stories of how hyper Cooper was and I believed her but never imagined how bad it really was! That is until I wound up on her couch one night after too many glasses of Pinot Grigio. Cooper was bouncing off the walls. He kept bringing me his toy and if I didn't take it and throw it he would grab it again with his mouth and put it on my chest and then right on my face. He just would not take no for an answer! And this would have gone on for HOURS if Karen hadn't taken him in the bedroom with her!!

Cooper is just over a year old. He has a girlfriend named Lucy, a King Charles. I understand Lucy snuck out of her house one day and came and sat outside of Karen's front door. Cooper was crying and yelping at the front door and Karen couldn't figure out why. Finally she opened the door and there was Lucy. Secret lovers reunite......

As cute, spirited and lively as he is Cooper has a very unfortunate illness - Renal Dyslpasia. Which means his kidnys are small and underdeveloped. There is no cure and a good life expectancy is 21-24 months. Clinically he's getting into a bad place so Karen is having to take him to the vet every day and really keep an eye on him. Physically and mentally he's fine. It's really defeating cause where do you draw the line? Please keep Cooper and Karen in your thoughts.

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