Monday, October 22, 2007

I Am The King of This House, Dammit!

This is Jake, my big lovable 16 pound hunk of Norwegian Forest Cat. Little Edie's new 'brother'. This is Jake's bed. See that blanket? He had the runs on it about a week ago. He also had the runs on MY bed. Then he barfed on the floor. Then when I took the blanket off the bed I discovered he had also pee'd on the pillow that goes in his bed. Poor Jake. Wait a minute....poor Jake?? Poor me!!!!! Look at his life! He lays in that bed all day, stares out the window at the birds in the birdbath, gets served tuna and fancy feast and treats, has a box full of toys and has me to clean up after his messy table manners, piss, barf and poop. He finally got rid of Audrey, his 13 year old feline sister that tortured him every day of his life. He never had a say in anything. She died and he had three months of total bliss but now it's all over. He has a new sister, Little Edie....a DOG no less, and oh boy is he acting out......

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