Monday, October 22, 2007

Ruh Roh

Meet Frank. Francis Albert Sinatra to be exact. That's him running by the tire. Frank belongs to my friends Joe & Darren and was lovingly rescued and brought into all of our lives by our dear friend Kevin who is no longer with us. Frank is eight years old. He's a Doberman. NOT a dog as Joe always points out. A DOBERMAN!! Dobermans are different. Frank is the funniest dog - oops, Doberman - I think I've ever met. He's also the smartest and he wins the Oscar, Emmy, Golden Globe, the Tony and whatever other awards are out there for most emotional performance in a Doberman lead. You know how they say pets are like their owners? Totally the case with Frank and Joe.

Frank HATES motorcycles. With a passion. He really has it out for cats and squirrels. He also has a total love/hate thing with Fed Ex & UPS. Hence this photo. I have joined Joe on walks with Frank since he was about six months old. We have a top 10 list of Frank's funniest moments. His thing with Fed-Ex & UPS is definitely on that list. Every time he hears the Fed Ex or UPS truck and mind you, it has to be the truck - NOT the van; the van he totally ignores, he goes nuts. Just over just the truck. All the drivers know him. They shout his name as they drive by….."YO, Frank!!" and he goes crazy. Sometimes they stop and Joe gives them treats to give to Frank. He jumps into the truck and starts sniffing like crazy. We don’t know what he thinks is in there. He may be looking for cats. He is very suspicious of bags, boxes and packages. Cats could be in any of those. Or maybe he wants a job. There is a dog delivering packages on the side of the truck. Maybe that's confusing him. Maybe he just wants to help.

As soon as the truck drives away he goes crazy again. The drivers just laugh. The truck can be 3 blocks away, we are oblivious and Frank will hear it. The ears move in opposite directions like satellite dishes then they stand straight up and the tips come together. We are convinced NASA must be getting mixed signals at this exact moment. He flips his head around, cocks it sideways and does his Scooby-Doo "Ruuuhhhh"???? Then there's a pause and he launches into barking, silent barking and circles. He always barks (usually the last bark comes out silent) and runs in circles. I have a million funny Frank stories. He's my god-dog-son and I just love him to pieces.

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