Thursday, October 25, 2007

Damn You Paparazzi!

Meet Agnes. Agnes is Percy's sister. She also belongs to Polly & Duane. Agnes has an issue with the camera. I try and try but I can't get a good picture of her face. So for now you get her big Mickey Mouse ears. Agnes is a female chihuahua about 1 1/2 years old. She was rescued on a whim one day when Polly heard a little voice calling from a local shelter. Polly stopped by and there was Agnes. She was jumping up and down BOING.....BOING....BOING......and made us laugh with her cute personality. Polly swooped her up and that was that. Agnes has brought Percy out of her shell a bit and Percy keeps Agnes mellow. In the short time I've known Agnes I have come to find that girlfriend has a licking fetish. She has some strange fascination with licking my cleavage. But she's not picky. If she's not close to the cleave she'll lick any other body part that is showing skin. Little Edie can't live without Agnes. The two of them have become fast friends. On their walks, they walk in complete tandem and Edie nips at Agnes' ear. So cute....

My favorite is when Duane firmly calls their names. AGNES! EDITH! PERCY! They sound like a bunch of old ladies. Agnes & Edie pine for each other and Polly and I often report how when we pass each others doors they make a run for it or put the brakes on, dig their little heels into the ground and look back with sad puppy eyes. Percy steers clear. She lets the two of them play, run and fight over toys. Little Edie still tries tho. She's determined to get Percy to join in on the fun.

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