Friday, October 26, 2007

The Scoop on Cooper II

Good news in Cooperville! Karen reports the following:

I was at the vet this morning and she called the UC Davis/Veterinary department and spoke to their nutritionist on staff. She was able to give me three recipes tailored specifically for Coop's blood workup...which get this....are not only fairly easy to make....but have CHICKEN...and one has GROUND f*&%ing amazing is that.....he is going to go thru the roof. Poor little guy - I wouldn't eat either if I had to eat that tasteless crap.... I had to order some supplements tho and have to wait for them to arrive. In the mean time we changed one bland dog food for another - and at least he ate today. I AM SO EXCITED....I couldn't be this excited over a new Balenciaga... :)

Here's a cute picture of Cooper sleeping on the job. Hang in there Cooper!!!

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