Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Last night, Little Edie, Agnes, Percy, Duane, Polly and I carved our Halloween pumpkins (see next post), drank too much wine and watched the classic Peanuts special - "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"

I forgot how brilliant the Peanuts cartoons were. Especially Snoopy. The beginning of this clip features Snoopy as the World War I Flying Ace vs. The Red Baron.

Feeling inspired (and long after Duane gave up for the night) Polly and I attempted to carve the image of Snoopy, aka the World War I Flying Ace, on our last pumpkin. Oh so sad.........

Pumpkin Pie

Join us for all the fun as Percy, Agnes and Little Edie help carve pumpkins....

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Cat Lady

Have any of you heard of the Cat Lady? Her name is Jocelyn Wildenstein. Here's her story.....

Sometimes referred to as "The Lion Queen" or "The Cat Lady," Jocelyn is a wealthy
socialite who has frequently been seen in the tabloid press due to her numerous cosmetic surgeries. Her extreme appearance has led to the press giving her the nickname "The Bride of Wildenstein," a reference to The Bride of Frankenstein. Wildenstein has allegedly spent £2 million (US$3,933,800) on cosmetic surgery over the years. In 2004 she was named the world's scariest celebrity by a plastic surgery website.

Jocelyn Wildenstein grew up in a middle class family in Lausanne, where she became a skilled hunter and pilot. Because of these skills, she was invited for a shooting weekend at the 66,000 acre private Kenyan game reserve of billionaire international art dealer Alec Wildenstein, son of Daniel Wildenstein, the owner of Wildenstein and Company, one of the world's largest and most successful art conglomerates . Within a year, Jocelyn and Alec were married in Las Vegas.

The couple became famous for their lavish, extravagant lifestyle, allegedly spending as much as $1 million per month. In interviews, Jocelyn admitted to purchasing gowns worth $350,000. They maintained several homes, including a five-story townhouse on Park Avenue in New York; a house in Lausanne; a Paris flat, a French chateau; a Caribbean beach house; and the Kenyan ranch. The couple had two children.

A lover of exotic animals, Jocelyn kept a
capuchin monkey which travelled with the couple on their private jet, and a pack of five Italian greyhounds.

After many years of marriage, Alec allegedly began an affair. Then approximately fifty years old, Jocelyn began undergoing a series of plastic surgeries. Some have claimed that the initial surgeries were a success, but that when Alec again began engaging in affairs, Jocelyn decided to attempt to transform herself to resemble one of the giant cats beloved by her husband.

She is known to have received several silicone injections to the lips, cheek, and chin along with a facelift and eye reconstruction to appear more "feline like". Her eyes were pulled up and back, giving them a more feline shape.

The plan backfired. Alec began an affair with a Russian model, and pointed a gun at his wife when she confronted him, for which he was briefly jailed. Divorce proceedings were initiated, but neither partner would agree to vacate the New York townhouse that was their main home, and they drew up a plan dividing the premises. Jocelyn found her retinue of servants reduced to one, and was denied access to the jet. She sued Alec for $200 million, and tens of millions in art and homes. She also demanded interim support of $200,000 per month. According to court documents of the divorce proceedings, Alec said that he "couldn't even recognize my own wife up close. She seems to think that you fix a face the same way you fix a house".

While vacationing in Taormina, Sicily recently my friend Karen and I actually saw her out and about with some young hot stud. I wish I had a picture of that to post for you but by the time I got my camera out she had already slipped away.

Alter Egos

Ginger Tazmanian Devil

A Real Tasmanian Devil

Looney Toones Tazmanian Devil

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Its the Evolutionary Story for the Day

Thanks to information provided by Joe and Darren on their Doberman, Frank, I decided to do a new column that discusses our dogs breeds. Where did they come from? How long have they been around? What are their traits? Real or man made? Our first post is regarding....

The Doberman

The Doberman Pinscher is a product of man - not of nature. To better understand that statement, a comparison between the Rottweiler and Doberman Pinscher can be used. The Rottweiler dates back to the days of the Roman era and in fact, was used as a war dog during the Roman conquests. The Doberman Pinscher was not even in existence at that time...And even in the near yesteryear of the Civil War, when Union and Confederate armies were battling for control of Richmond, Virginia, there were no Doberman Pinschers in existence.

On April 9, 1865, General Robert E. Lee sat down at a table and signed the surrender of his Confederate troops to General U.S. Grant at Appamadox. At that time in history, half way around the globe on the other side of the planet, in a little town called Apolda, Germany, the local dog-catcher had an idea.

He conceived in his mind, a giant terrier. At that time, the speed, agility and scrappiness of terriers were well known..But a giant terrier was something else.

The man was Louis Dobermann, who dreamed of a dog with a terriers speed and agility, combined with the strength and courage of some of the Thueringian shepherd dogs of that time. The sheepherding dogs were well-known for their bravery and intelligence. Herr Dobermann wanted to capture that bravery, intelligence and courage, and combine it with the speed, agility and determination of a scrappy terrier.

The intellect and bravery of those sheepherding dogs of Thuringia must have been something to behold, for they also served as the inspirational force to create what we know today as the German Shephard Dog. But Louis Dobermann was the first to conceive the idea of harnessing that intellect. By the time the German Shepard came into being, in 1889, the Doberman Pinscher was already in existence.

Louis Dobermann began experimental breeding between 1865 and 1870. Because he was the local dog-catcher, he had virtual access to every conceivable German breed in existence at that time. The foundation of his breeding plan included the Rottweiler, the German Pinscher, and some of the famed Thuringian shepherds mention above.

Some of Herr Dobermanns first dogs were born without tails and into the strain, the tailless feature disappeared. Then came the introduction of Greyhound blood into the breed, and Herr Dobermann had what he wanted. But he got more than he bargained for. At least one of the Greyhounds he used was a black female described as "very ferocious".

When the experimental breeding ended, Louis Dobermann was left with four dogs; Rambo, Lux, Landgraf, and Schnupp. They had not yet earned the name Doberman Pinscher but were referred to simply as "Dobermanns dogs". Schnupp was bred, and gave birth to a litter. Schnupp and her litter were described by noted historian Horowitz as being "deplorable to look at and very ferocious". Schnupp was later to be given the number one registration when the Doberman Pinscher Club of Germany was formed in 1912, although Schnupp didn't resemble very much of the Dobermans of today.

The first Doberman Pinscher to be crowned Champion was described by judge Philip Grunenig as having a coarse heavy body, very long hair and a light eye. By this time, other breeders were trying to inject their ideas and concepts into what the breed should look like. But it was Otto Goeller - from the same town of Apolda - who, more than any other breeder, was responsible for the appearance of the Doberman Pinscher as we know it today. He founded the von Thuringen Kennels in 1901 and was the individual who was responsible for adding the name "Pinscher" to the breed.

The words DOBERMAN PINSCHER were not yet a part of the English vocabulary as late as 1903. But alas, the reputation of the breed as being mean, ferocious, and something to be feared, had already been established in Germany. That reputation was destined to accompany the breed wherever it went, even into an era in which men walk the moon.

It can be seen then that the reputation of the Doberman was established in the 1890's. The character of the early Dobermans can be understood by comments made at the time, "they are certainly robust, have absolutely no fear - not of the devil himself". And so, the reputation of the breed had been well established before the breed was introduced into the United States following World War I.

Since that time, however, fanciers of the breed in the United States subdued and channeled the ferocity of the Doberman Pinscher. They didn't water it down, but rather, by careful and selective breeding and training, brought out and capitalized on the intelligence factor. The ferocity was subdued -- but by no means destroyed.

This was accomplished - in large part - by strict breed standards. In describing temperament requirements, the standards, as prescribed by the AKC, are more specific for the Doberman Pinscher than perhaps any other breed. Those standards call for dismissal of any Doberman Pinscher that is either shy or vicious. By adhering to this standard, professional breeders of the Doberman Pinscher have been able to produce a dog that is highly intelligent, mentally stable, of unswerving loyalty, yet with the ability to protect and defend home and hearth.

"But don't they turn on their owners?" some will ask. HOGWASH! A Pekinese will turn on its owner if it has no respect for that owner. So will a Poodle...and so will a child! The Doberman Pinscher was established as the official war dog of the U.S. Marine Corps. Certainly dogs that would "turn on their owners" would never be allowed to attain such stature.

Although the character and temperament of today's Doberman Pinschers doesn't match the early Dobermans, the reputation does. It is a reputation that will undoubtedly remain as long as Dobermans exist. No matter how docile a Doberman Pinscher may be, the Doberman simply looks ferocious; and that appearance will always cause him to be a dog of which to be fearful. "When Hollywood needs a villain dog, the Doberman Pinscher gets the call".

Today's Doberman is a gentle, affectionate and loyal pet. But because of his uncanny intelligence, working ability and strength, a Doberman Pinscher needs proper discipline, an abundance of love, and - equally important, training! Theres an awful lot of energy as well as intellect packed into the Doberman Pinscher and it needs to be channeled in the proper direction. Fanciers of the breed and those that truly know the Doberman Pinscher do not see ferocity and fire in his eyes. They see loyalty, devotion and Intelligence,which has no peer. The utilitarian ability of the breed is historical fact, for they have been used in every capacity in which dogs are known to excel. The Doberman Pinscher has been used to lead the blind, as well as the pursuit and attack of fleeing criminals. He has been successful in search and rescue tracking as well as narcotics detection. He has excelled in his ability to work alone as a sentry dog. His instinct to protect and defend is unequaled. As more and more people come to realize the advantages of owning a Doberman Pinscher, his popularity increases.

The Doberman Pinscher is considered a "middle-sized" dog with a sleek coat which requires very little grooming. Measured from ground to shoulder, the ideal height is 27" for males, and from 24-26" for females. They are compactly built, muscular and extremely powerful. The have great speed and endurance. Though the coat of the Doberman Pinscher is short and smooth, they are considered a dog for any climate. They adjust well to both extremes of temperature. A Doberman fancier will have a choice of four colors to select from. The Doberman Pinscher will be seen sporting a coat of black, brown (red-rust), blue or fawn. The most popular color currently seems to be the red Doberman, followed by black, then blue.

As alert, intelligent, and loyal as they are, the Doberman Pinscher isn't a dog that fits in with just any family. If the owner of a Doberman Pinscher is permissive and lacks the ability to discipline properly, the dog will be quick to sense this. Since it is instinctive for a dog to assume leadership where there is otherwise no leadership, a permissive owner could be in for a lot of trouble. A Doberman Pinscher who has no respect for its owner, does not make a good pet. Some people think its cute to see a little Poodle ignore its owners wishes. Its not cute to see a Doberman Pinscher with such a disrespectful attitude. The Dobermans mind is active, and needs to be led. He needs to be taught obedience and respect. He needs it -- and he wants it! In return for the proper education, the Doberman Pinscher will repay his owner with loyalty, courage, decisiveness, obedience, and respect.

Truly one of the most remarkable breeds of this century, Louis Dobermann knew exactly what he wanted 100 years ago: a giant terrier, with all the speed and agility of the little terriers - but with the strength, endurance, intellect, and courage of the herding dogs. The name Pinscher means Terrier, and so it is obvious to those of us who know and love the breed, that Herr Dobermann was a success. His dream came true.

Although todays Doberman Pinscher must live with the tainted reputation of the "Dobermann dogs" of Apolda, the Doberman Pinscher Club of America, together with the breeds fanciers, is continually trying to educate the public. "Its not an easy task, when the media insists on portraying the Dobie as a villain."


It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Little Edie, Percy & Agnes live it up at the Pumpkin Patch.


Who Wants a Treat?

Alter Egos

Little Edie

Wile E. Coyote
(baby version)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Save Duke

My friend, Joe, told me about this story he just saw on the news:

Duke the death row dog might get second chance

As she has done every week for nearly four years, Denise Menendez visited her pit bull terrier, Duke, at the Islip Town animal shelter Friday.

Seeing the dog was bittersweet for the Hauppauge resident and her children, Paulina, 10, and Trace, 9. They played with Duke for more than an hour before they went home, knowing it may be one of the last times they see him alive.

Duke faces canine capital punishment for allegedly attacking a neighbor's dog and horse four years ago. The 5-year-old terrier has been behind bars for most of his life.

"It's hard leaving, because we put him in the cage and he starts crying right away," Menendez said.

The visit took place after a Smithtown animal law attorney argued for Duke's release Friday morning in a state appeals court. The state Appellate Division had granted a temporary stay of execution in April. But judges still must be convinced that Duke is the victim of mistaken identity or wrongly sentenced under a law that did not exist at the time of the attacks.

The owner of the horse and the dog never positively identified Duke as the dog that attacked his animals, Menendez's attorney, Amy Chaitoff, told the four-judge panel. She asked the judges to release Duke or order a new trial. A decision is expected in several weeks.

"Duke is not a dangerous dog," Chaitoff told the judges.

The owner of the horse and the dog, Dominick Motta of Hauppauge, did not appear in court and could not be reached for comment. Lawyers for Motta did not address the court.

The hearing, and a news conference held outside the courthouse, attracted about a dozen supporters of Duke, including former Islip animal shelter supervisor Matt Caracciolo, who said Duke poses no threat to either animals or people.

"I probably handled over 100,000 animals, and he had to be in the top 10," said Caracciolo, of East Islip, who retired in September after working at the shelter for 30 years.

Duke receives many visitors and never has posed a problem, said another supporter, Mary Copp of Shirley, an Islip shelter employee.

"He's actually our mascot right now," Copp said.

Duke runs outside at least five days a week, Copp said, though he is in a cage most of the time. "It's like a prison for this dog," she said.

Jeff Kolbjornsen, an animal trainer who has evaluated Duke at the shelter, said the dog "still maintains his sweetness."

Mary Harrison, the shelter's director, said she was not permitted to comment on Duke.

After visiting Duke, Menendez said he looked great and seemed to enjoy seeing his family.

"We gave him lots of hugs and kisses and told him we hope to bring him home soon," she said.

I can't post the video that goes with the story here but if you click on this link you can watch it:

What if ???

What if your pet could blog? What would he/she say? Leave your pets comments below...

Hide and Seek

Jake has this long tubey thing that's lined with crinkly paper inside so it makes this fun sound when he runs thru it. It looks like a big log and has two holes in the top. He loves to run thru it really fast but most of all he likes to hide in there. When I can't find him and I call his name he pops his head out of one of the holes and meows at me.....

Friday, October 26, 2007

In Memory of Bentley

Karen's first Yorkie, Bentley, passed away one year ago today.
We miss you Bentley.

The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

The Scoop on Cooper II

Good news in Cooperville! Karen reports the following:

I was at the vet this morning and she called the UC Davis/Veterinary department and spoke to their nutritionist on staff. She was able to give me three recipes tailored specifically for Coop's blood workup...which get this....are not only fairly easy to make....but have CHICKEN...and one has GROUND f*&%ing amazing is that.....he is going to go thru the roof. Poor little guy - I wouldn't eat either if I had to eat that tasteless crap.... I had to order some supplements tho and have to wait for them to arrive. In the mean time we changed one bland dog food for another - and at least he ate today. I AM SO EXCITED....I couldn't be this excited over a new Balenciaga... :)

Here's a cute picture of Cooper sleeping on the job. Hang in there Cooper!!!

Grey Gardens Friday

As you know, I named my new little coyote/fox/chihuahua/terrier mix after Little Edie Bouvier Beale. Every Friday I will post a Grey Gardens video so you can learn more about her story.

More Inspiration for the Halloween Costume Contest

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Alter Egos

Scooby Doo


Canine Mutant Ninja Turtle

Can you believe someone actually did this to their poodle????

Modern Day "Cat & Mouse"

Nobody's Buying What You're Selling

In an attempt to glam it up, Little Edie breaks out her new pink mink coat.

Ginger's other Alter Ego: Tazmanian Devil

Aside from her Wonder Woman mantra....this is the other tune that runs thru Ginger's head as she goes about her business every day.

Damn You Paparazzi!

Meet Agnes. Agnes is Percy's sister. She also belongs to Polly & Duane. Agnes has an issue with the camera. I try and try but I can't get a good picture of her face. So for now you get her big Mickey Mouse ears. Agnes is a female chihuahua about 1 1/2 years old. She was rescued on a whim one day when Polly heard a little voice calling from a local shelter. Polly stopped by and there was Agnes. She was jumping up and down BOING.....BOING....BOING......and made us laugh with her cute personality. Polly swooped her up and that was that. Agnes has brought Percy out of her shell a bit and Percy keeps Agnes mellow. In the short time I've known Agnes I have come to find that girlfriend has a licking fetish. She has some strange fascination with licking my cleavage. But she's not picky. If she's not close to the cleave she'll lick any other body part that is showing skin. Little Edie can't live without Agnes. The two of them have become fast friends. On their walks, they walk in complete tandem and Edie nips at Agnes' ear. So cute....

My favorite is when Duane firmly calls their names. AGNES! EDITH! PERCY! They sound like a bunch of old ladies. Agnes & Edie pine for each other and Polly and I often report how when we pass each others doors they make a run for it or put the brakes on, dig their little heels into the ground and look back with sad puppy eyes. Percy steers clear. She lets the two of them play, run and fight over toys. Little Edie still tries tho. She's determined to get Percy to join in on the fun.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Finding Nemo

Joe used to have an aquarium with lots of fish in it. Frank went crazy over the fish - especially when they were fed. Anytime you said the word "FISH" whether you were in the house or 10 miles away in the car he would go nuts. The slightest whisper of "FISH" is enough to throw him into a frenzy even today.

So when Joe and Darren got the popular aquarium screen saver on their flat screen TV imagine the comedy that ensued the first time they put it on and Frank went crazy. Poor thing can't tell the difference. He even looks behind the tv when the fish swim off the side of the screen. The funniest part is when the tv is off. If you say "FISH" he goes running to the tv and then looks at you all confused when there's no fish there......

The Reverse Limahl

Tongue tied or short of breath, don't even try
Try a little harder.
Something's wrong, I'm not must be strong,
Ooh baby try, hey girl, move a little closer

You're too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush hush

Modern medicine falls short of your complaint, try a little harder
You're moving in circles won't you dilate,
Ooh baby try, hey girl, move a little closer

You're too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush hush

You're too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush eye to eye
Too shy shy hush hush hush

I wanted to do a post about Percy. She belongs to my friends, Polly & Duane. Percy is a very sweet, shy little six year old girl. I used to call her Percy Piddle Pie because she would always get excited and piddle when she saw me. Now I have Little Edie and Little Edie tries her hardest to play with Percy but Percy don't wanna know. She just runs and takes refuge by her mommy or daddy's side. Edie keeps trying and eventually pisses her off and Percy snaps at her. Anyways.....this song seemed fitting for their relationship and then I got to thinking about Limahl and then it dawned on me that Limahl and Percy kinda look reverse :)

Not Suitable for Prime Time

My fellow Grey Gardens fanatic, Miss Dickse, sent me this hysterical video.

You Oughta Be In Pictures....

Little Edie's not sure if she wants to be a singer or a dancer.

Ginger has issues.....

So, here is a video I shot of Frank & Ginger. I thought this would be a good introduction to the world of Ginger. I could post one of her cute, adorable pictures but this video truly captures the essence of Miss Terrier Nation (as Joe calls her).

That's Wanda, their nanny (yes, they have a NANNY!) holding Ginger. She asked to not be shown in the video; had she known I would be filming that day she "would not have worn my baggy pants". Whether she likes it or not, she's making her debut too! Check out her t-shirt. That about sums it up. Frank & Ginger's names in espanol (as given by Wanda) are Mammi & Pappi. Wanda is the best....

The funniest part is that at the very end Ginger was so worked up over trying to get the treat that she accidently bit Wanda's arm! You can hear Wanda start to scream just as the video ends. We had a good laugh over this.

The Scoop on Cooper....

I present to you.....Cooper! Cooper belongs to my friend Karen. I have never, ever, ever met a dog with more energy. Karen would tell me stories of how hyper Cooper was and I believed her but never imagined how bad it really was! That is until I wound up on her couch one night after too many glasses of Pinot Grigio. Cooper was bouncing off the walls. He kept bringing me his toy and if I didn't take it and throw it he would grab it again with his mouth and put it on my chest and then right on my face. He just would not take no for an answer! And this would have gone on for HOURS if Karen hadn't taken him in the bedroom with her!!

Cooper is just over a year old. He has a girlfriend named Lucy, a King Charles. I understand Lucy snuck out of her house one day and came and sat outside of Karen's front door. Cooper was crying and yelping at the front door and Karen couldn't figure out why. Finally she opened the door and there was Lucy. Secret lovers reunite......

As cute, spirited and lively as he is Cooper has a very unfortunate illness - Renal Dyslpasia. Which means his kidnys are small and underdeveloped. There is no cure and a good life expectancy is 21-24 months. Clinically he's getting into a bad place so Karen is having to take him to the vet every day and really keep an eye on him. Physically and mentally he's fine. It's really defeating cause where do you draw the line? Please keep Cooper and Karen in your thoughts.

Wakey, Wakey....

This cute little video was sent to me by my friend Julia, a fellow cat owner. If you have a cat you will soooooo get this :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

She's got some big, fancy white pumps to fill......

Drew Barrymore films scenes for her new movie Grey Gardens around Centre Island in Toronto, Canada. She plays ‘Little’ Edith Bouvier Beale while Jessica Lange reportedly plays “Big Edie’.

Synopsis: Based on the life stories of the eccentric aunt and first cousin of Jackie Kennedy (both named Edith Bouvier Beale aka “Big and Little Edie”) raised as Park Avenue debutantes but who withdrew from New York society, taking shelter at their Long Island summer home, Grey Gardens. As their wealth and contact with the outside world dwindled, so did their grasp on reality. They were reintroduced to the world when international tabloids learned of a health department raid on their home, and Jackie swooped in to save her relatives.

One of my favorite Little Edie quotes:

"Course, I'm mad about animals, but raccoons and cats become a little bit boring. I mean, for too long a time. "

Before You Meet Ginger.......

Ginger is Frank's sister. She also belongs to Joe and Darren. She is a four year old Manchester Terrier. She's got major attitude and she's got Frank (and the rest of her family) totally whipped.

I will introduce you to her tomorrow. In the meantime to fully understand the depth of Ginger's psyche you must watch this video and read her theme song below.....

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
All the world's waiting for you,
and the power you possess.

In your satin tights,
Fighting for your rights
And the old Red, White and Blue.

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
Now the world is ready for you,
and the wonders you can do.

Make a hawk a dove,
Stop a war with love,
Make a liar tell the truth.

Wonder Woman,
Get us out from under, Wonder Woman.
All our hopes are pinned on you.
And the magic that you do.

Stop a bullet cold,
Make the Axis fall,
Change their minds, and change the world.

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
You're a wonder, Wonder Woman.

Halloween Costume Contest!

Darren had a great idea and I totally agree! Let's have a Halloween Costume Contest. This is Frank is his (alter ego) Scooby-Doo costume from last year. He is your inspiration. Dress up your dog, cat, bird, hamster......whatever you got....and send me the picture. I'll post all the pics as they come in and you can vote in the comments section. I'll announce the winner with the most votes on Halloween.

Blow it out your ear Jake....

Your toys are MY toys now!

Daily Affirmation....

"I'm not going to let that little punk, Edie rule this house. I've been in the background all these years. Audrey, Audrey, Audrey.....she was always the star. Well, you know what? I'M the star now. I deserve it. Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me."

I'm (sort of) Cheating on Frank....

Introducing.....Mea! Mea belongs to my friend Daniel. Mea is a female fawn colored Doberman. Daniel is Italian and I love that he chose an adorable name that also has a cute meaning. In Italian & Spanish Mea means 'mine'. How CUTE is that? Our Mea spells it her own special way cause she's super sassy :)

Sometimes Daniel brings Mea to work (shhhh don't tell...) and I just love seeing her and how she's grown. Wish I could see her more. We're working on that! She still has to meet Little Edie.

This is one of Daniel's earlier most favorite photos of Mea. She was just 8 months old here. He's going to continue to post stories & pics of her to catch us all up to speed on what a beautiful Doberman she's blossomed into now that she has a loving home and daddy.

Mea is Daniel's pride and joy. "Through these tough times, she is the reason I get out of bed in the morning (otherwise she would just shit on the floor-mamma waits for no one). I am blessed for she is such a warm heart and simply intelligent. I swear she understands what I am saying. Just for the record.....she despises squirrels! They make her go bananas. The end...for now."

Note to self - must google 'dogs and squirrels' and try to understand where in the evolutionary process dogs grew to hate squirrels. Cause have you ever noticed that squirrels actually taunt dogs? They totally mess with them just to piss them off and dogs totally take the bait......

Monday, October 22, 2007

Ruh Roh

Meet Frank. Francis Albert Sinatra to be exact. That's him running by the tire. Frank belongs to my friends Joe & Darren and was lovingly rescued and brought into all of our lives by our dear friend Kevin who is no longer with us. Frank is eight years old. He's a Doberman. NOT a dog as Joe always points out. A DOBERMAN!! Dobermans are different. Frank is the funniest dog - oops, Doberman - I think I've ever met. He's also the smartest and he wins the Oscar, Emmy, Golden Globe, the Tony and whatever other awards are out there for most emotional performance in a Doberman lead. You know how they say pets are like their owners? Totally the case with Frank and Joe.

Frank HATES motorcycles. With a passion. He really has it out for cats and squirrels. He also has a total love/hate thing with Fed Ex & UPS. Hence this photo. I have joined Joe on walks with Frank since he was about six months old. We have a top 10 list of Frank's funniest moments. His thing with Fed-Ex & UPS is definitely on that list. Every time he hears the Fed Ex or UPS truck and mind you, it has to be the truck - NOT the van; the van he totally ignores, he goes nuts. Just over just the truck. All the drivers know him. They shout his name as they drive by….."YO, Frank!!" and he goes crazy. Sometimes they stop and Joe gives them treats to give to Frank. He jumps into the truck and starts sniffing like crazy. We don’t know what he thinks is in there. He may be looking for cats. He is very suspicious of bags, boxes and packages. Cats could be in any of those. Or maybe he wants a job. There is a dog delivering packages on the side of the truck. Maybe that's confusing him. Maybe he just wants to help.

As soon as the truck drives away he goes crazy again. The drivers just laugh. The truck can be 3 blocks away, we are oblivious and Frank will hear it. The ears move in opposite directions like satellite dishes then they stand straight up and the tips come together. We are convinced NASA must be getting mixed signals at this exact moment. He flips his head around, cocks it sideways and does his Scooby-Doo "Ruuuhhhh"???? Then there's a pause and he launches into barking, silent barking and circles. He always barks (usually the last bark comes out silent) and runs in circles. I have a million funny Frank stories. He's my god-dog-son and I just love him to pieces.

My Point EXACTLY!!!

This is what I'm talking about people! Why are we all so angry and stressed out? What is so bad about our lives anyways? Ok - well some of you have some really bad crap going on right now but the rest of us……uhhhhh…..not so bad……

We can all take a lesson from this totally cute - if you are pms'ing it would make you tear up - video. This was sent to me by my friend Michael, proud owner of three adorable dogs - Eli, a Golden Retriever and Olive and Muriel, his sweet daschunds (I didn't realize that is how you spell it. I thought it was dachsund). This is not Eli in the video tho in case you wonder like I did. Michael promises to send all of their personal stories and pics later :)

Stay Tuned!

Thanks for all of your emails and support!

Coming up this week....Frank, Ginger, Mea, Cooper, [insert your pets name here] and of course more from your hosts......Jake & Little Edie!!

Wanna see your cute pet on this site? Don't forget to send me your pics, videos and stories. Birthday coming up? Memorial for a beloved lost pet? Looking for a pet? Pets that need homes? Halloween costumes? I'll be happy to post it here!

And don't forget to leave your comment under each post. That makes it fun for everybody!

I Am The King of This House, Dammit!

This is Jake, my big lovable 16 pound hunk of Norwegian Forest Cat. Little Edie's new 'brother'. This is Jake's bed. See that blanket? He had the runs on it about a week ago. He also had the runs on MY bed. Then he barfed on the floor. Then when I took the blanket off the bed I discovered he had also pee'd on the pillow that goes in his bed. Poor Jake. Wait a minute....poor Jake?? Poor me!!!!! Look at his life! He lays in that bed all day, stares out the window at the birds in the birdbath, gets served tuna and fancy feast and treats, has a box full of toys and has me to clean up after his messy table manners, piss, barf and poop. He finally got rid of Audrey, his 13 year old feline sister that tortured him every day of his life. He never had a say in anything. She died and he had three months of total bliss but now it's all over. He has a new sister, Little Edie....a DOG no less, and oh boy is he acting out......

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Does my outfit clash with my bed?

This is Little Edie Bouvier Beale. This is where my story begins and she is the inspiration for starting this blog. I adopted Edie a month ago. I lost my 13 year old cat, Audrey, three months before (that's a whole other post). Getting Little Edie was a total mitzvah. We were meant to be together. If you've heard of Grey Gardens then you know the name. More references to that later; as there are many :)

Now Little Edie cohabitates with me and my other cat Jake. Edie weighs 6.5 pounds. Jake weighs 16 pounds. Jake is twelve, confused and bitter. He thought he finally had free reign of the house after living with that bitch, Audrey, and now here comes this little punk. She eats his tuna and takes his toys. She's oblivious to his existence. She just wants his stuff. He sleeps, grooms, pees, poops and hisses at her as much as he can. She ignores........

Everywhere we go people ask me "what is she"? I tell them she is half coyote and half fox. In reality she's a chihuahua/terrier mix. Emphasis on terrier please. She's extremely friendly, totally domineering and demands attention from every single person or animal that enters her little sphere. We're working on training right now. Before it's too late. There is huge potential to create a total monster here. It's a fine line between spoiling your dog (see photo) and disciplining them. I must be patient............

