Saturday, April 05, 2008

RIP Sophie Winfrey

I told you!! I knew Oprah would do a show dedicated to Sophie. Karen confirmed it by posting a comment when I posted about Sophie's passing.

I laid in bed last night and cried while I watched yesterday's episode. I cried throughout the ENTIRE episode. The beginning featured this video which was a dedication to Sophie that brought Oprah to tears but the rest of the show was about the horror that occurs every day all over the Nation in puppy mills.

In puppy mills all over the Nation, dogs are treated like a commodity. Like cattle. They are sold at auctions then kept in cages their whole lives, just to breed as many puppys as they can during each heat cycle so the puppies can then be sold to pet stores and breeders. Many of the dogs can't even walk because they've never been out of the cages.

When they showed the process of how one shelter chooses every day how many dogs they will put down and then show them putting the dogs to sleep, putting them in bags and throwing them in a dumpster I lost it. It makes me cry even as I type this. It's horrifying, inexcusable and it's a shame that this goes on in our very own country while at the same time billions are being spent every year on our pets.

Here is a link to Oprah's website where you can read about the episode, see pictures and see how you can help. Please, please do what you can. Spay and neuter your pets and consider a shelter before going to a pet store or a breeder. If you saw this episode it most certainly weighed very heavily on you.

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