Friday, April 04, 2008

Pet Psychics: A Growing Trend

Have you ever wondered what your cat is thinking? Is she sick? How can get my dog to stop biting? Is he happy with the new organic pet food?

Increasingly, pet lovers are turning to pet psychics like Sharon Kurtz for a better understanding of their pets. Kurtz, who can communicate with any animal as well as humans, welcomes people’s interest in learning what their pets have to say, “because the animals want and need to be heard,” she says, “and they definitely have something to say.”

Since her childhood, Kurtz has been able to talk with people and animals, but her mother discouraged such activities. Her decision to offer psychic readings evolved from her work as an emergency room nurse. “Accident victims would sometimes arrive at the hospital emergency room with their pets,” said Kurtz, a registered nurse. “I just knew what the pet was saying.” Her pet psychic services blossomed even further when she became involved in holistic healing practices. More and more people wanted to know what their pets were thinking.

Take Margaret Woodward. She knew her 12-year-old tabby named Jessie Bessie was dying from cancer. Because the veterinarian didn’t even vaccinate her cat, Woodward knew that her cat was probably dying. She watched as Jessie Bessie’s world became smaller and smaller until the cat just rested lightly on the bed, taking water but no food. Woodward called a pet psychic to get a better understanding of her cat’s condition.

From Kurtz, she learned that the pet had no concept of dying and no understanding of disease. “A pet’s world is simple,” said Kurtz. “The cat wasn’t sad about her condition.”

The psychic reading gave Woodward a greater understanding and acceptance of Jessie Bessie’s death. And so, she was able to arrange for a peaceful ending.

Should you contact a pet psychic? “Yes,” said Kurtz, but she notes, “Animal communication is not the same as human communication. Their thoughts are quite simple and direct.

“Pets focus on the positives rather than the negatives. For example, if you tell Fido not to go on the couch, he only hears “couch.” You should focus on where he should be instead of where he shouldn’t be. They don't understand negatives.”

How is a reading conducted? Surprisingly, just like with humans, pet readings can take place over the telephone. Kurtz only needs the pet’s name. She discourages pet owners from providing elaborate details. Sometimes in homes with multiple animals, pet readings can get confusing. “Pets will just randomly chime in,” said Kurtz. “When this happens, I will ask the other animals step aside.”

How long is a typical psychic reading? It only takes can 15 minutes. Kurtz said, “In that time pets usually tell you everything you need to know.”

Some pet owners turn to psychics to learn about a deceased pet. Kurtz said, “Pets should be allowed time to transition after their death. We, as humans, desperately miss their companionship and can hold them to the earth plane. They need time to “cross over.” Usually this time is from 24 to 48 hours unless they have reached an untimely death in their youth and need a longer time to transition. They will always let the pet psychic know.”

Kurtz offered this final advisory: Come prepared with your questions. “The pet will continue to ‘speak,’ about how much he enjoys car rides but to get meaningful answers, have your questions ready.”

For more information Kurtz can be reached at her website:

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