About half way through we came upon this fountain and I couldn't resist dunking her in. Is that illegal?? Not sure...... Anyways....she pulled a Ginger and began paddling before she even hit the water. Afterwards.....lookout! She was so happy!! She took off running and took me with her!
Edie met and played with so many dogs.....Maggie, Sammy, Lilly, Misha, Sadie, Buddy and Annabelle. She played with little kids and babies. She chased the pigeons in this park. She even had her picture taken by some Japanese tourists! She's such a ham!
Once we got home she had her Sunday morning bath and ran around all wet and happy. Then a yummy snack and a much needed nap in my lap while I did some work on the computer. I wish every Sunday morning could be so perfect.....
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