Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Little Edie is a Big Girl Now

I've started to notice some changes in Little Edie. Her once delicate little pink fleshy belly is now turning a darker color. Some of her clothes are starting to fit a little tighter. When I look down at her I realize she has filled out a bit. Other people have noticed it and said so too.

When I got Edie from the pound she was a skinny little thing. She weighed in at her doctors office at 6.5 lbs. I weighed her on my bathroom scale Friday and to my complete surprise it said 11 lbs!!!! We did it twice. She sat perfectly still. Now, I don't know if my scale is calibrated the same as the doctors but that is a BIG difference.

We tried again Sunday so I could get a picture for you and even tho she sat completely still on the scale I got two different readings that time. 9.5 lbs. and 10.5 lbs. My scale may be a little wonky but there's no doubt that my little girl is not so little anymore.

Monday, April 28, 2008

They Need Our Help

The Humane Society has a new website dedicated to the education and hopefully the eventual shut down of puppy mills. Please take a moment to click on the link below and sign the pledge on the right hand side of the page. There is a list of things we can all do to help and also some painful videos that you must watch. When you see what these poor animals go through it will inspire you to do something.

Ever since the Oprah show brought much needed attention to this horrific display of animal abuse, the word has been spreading. Perez Hilton just posted a story with this link and just this weekend I saw a protest outside of a new pet store in Beverly Hills that sells designer dogs.

I have added this link to Jake and Little Edie's list of helpful links and we've also added a banner in honor of these poor animals who have no voice. They need us to speak up for them. Please, do your part. Help spread the word.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Oh Mea.....

The other day we met up for coffee with Daniel and his adorable Doberman, Mea. Mea is a fawn colored Doberman with her ears left au natural. Isn't she adorable?? And she sure has grown! I can't believe how much she has filled out and how big she has gotten. She and Daniel are totally in tune with each other now. Perfect dog/owner synchronicity!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dog Poison Alert

Frank's Nana B. sent me an email about a dog who died after eating raisins. Did you know raisins were toxic for dogs? It got me thinking that I needed to brush up on my knowledge of what you can and can't feed a dog. Keep this list of 25 items in mind before you give your loved one a bite:

1. Onions (Both onions and garlic contain the toxic ingredient Thiosulphate. But onions are more of a danger. Many dog biscuits contain *small* amounts of garlic – garlic contains less of this toxin so huge amounts would need to be consumed to be toxic. And, by the way, this poison builds up the system – it can be toxic in one large dose – or with repeated consumption of small amounts.)

2. Chocolate (Chocolate contains Theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. This can be fatal to dogs.)

3. Grapes (Grapes are dangerous because of an unknown substance which is toxic to dogs – affects canine’s kidneys)

4. Raisins (See above.)

5. Most Fruit Pits and Seeds (Contain Cyanogenic Glycosides resulting in cyanide poisoning – though the fruit itself is OK.)

6. Macadamia Nuts (Macadamia nuts contain an unknown substance that is toxic to dogs.)

7. Bones (Most bones should *not* be given (especially chicken bones) because they can splinter and cause laceration of the digestive system and/or become lodged in your pet’s throat – so they also pose a choking hazard.)

8. Potato Peelings and Green Potatoes (Contain Oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.)

9. Rhubarb leaves (See above.)

10. Broccoli (Broccoli is only toxic in large quantities.)

11. Green parts of Tomatoes or Green Potatoes (Contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.)

12. Yeast Dough (Yeast Dough can produce gas and swell in your pet’s stomach – leading to rupture of the digestive system)

13. Coffee, Coffee Grounds, Tea, Soft Drinks (Coffee, tea, & most soft drinks are dangerous due to the caffeine.)

14. Beer/Wine/Alcohol of any kind (Alcohol of any kind could lead to coma or even death.)

15. Human Vitamins (Human vitamins, especially those containing iron, can cause damage to the lining of the digestive system as well as cause kidney and liver damage)

16. Moldy or Spoiled Food (Goes without saying.)

17. Persimmons (Persimmons can cause intestinal blockage)

18. Raw Eggs and Raw Fish (Raw eggs and some raw fish can cause Salmonella poisoning.)

19. Salt, Baking Soda, Baking Powder (In large amounts these can cause an electrolyte imbalance – and severe electrolyte imbalances can lead to muscle spasm or even congestive heart failure.)

20. Mushrooms (Mushrooms may contain toxins which could cause liver and kidney damage)

21. Sugar-Free Foods (Sugar-free foods containing Xylitol have been found to cause liver failure in some dogs.)

22. Nutmeg (Nutmeg can cause tremors, seizures, and central nervous system damage.)

23. Excessive Fatty Foods (Excess fatty foods can cause Pancreatitis.)

24. Avocado (All parts of the avocado and avocado tree are toxic to dogs.)

25. Diary Products (Dairy products don’t usually pose a great danger; but many dairy product have high fat content (see number 23) – and many pets are lactose intolerant – some pets more than others. Lactose intolerance leads to gas and diarrhea; though small amounts of yogurt and cheese are usually fairly well tolerated.)

Friday, April 25, 2008


I gotta hand it to Jake. He has A LOT of patience. He has gotten used to his annoying sister, Little Edie, and her desire to constantly want to play with him. This is a great example of Edie bugging the crap out of Jake until he finally gets fed up with her. She doesn't realize that his swiping at her with the paw means "STOP IT". For her, that's an invitation to play. Maybe she thinks he wants to dance. She does pull some fierce dance moves here. In any case, Jake knows now that she's here to stay. For better or worse......

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Hex is a typical, playful 6-week-old kitten. But that's where it ends. He has six legs. His owner, Barbara Flores, says the vets didn't think he would live this long due to his condition.

Veterinarians believe Hex possibly had a Siamese twin that never fully developed. They plan to operate and believe he could survive the surgery. Hex is an only child-- the single cat in his litter.

The operation to remove the appendage isn't cheap, $2,400 - $3,000, which is a bit steep for the Flores family. Anyone who's liked to donate to the cause can contact:

Veterinary Specialists of South Florida
ATTN: Aimee Griswald
99410 Stirling Road
Cooper City, Florida 33024

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Very Special New Addition to The Family.....

This is Pete!! Pete is the new Doberman in the family. Joe and Darren's new baby. Ginger's new brother. Wanda's new responsibility. My new godson.

Pete is about five months old. We went and picked him up at Doberman Rescue on Sunday. Nina, who runs the Dobie rescue, had called to let us know she had a very special little boy that she had hidden away until we could see him. She knew that when the time was right we would be ready for another Doberman. We all went out there expecting to be underwhelmed but boy were we surprised. Nina sure knows her special Dobermans.

Pete is a total sweetheart and he is just beautiful. He is going to be huge. Probably bigger than Frank was. His paws are enormous. He is all legs and paws right now. Pete has been neutered and his tail cropped but he still needs to have his ears done.

Here's a video of Pete and Ginger meeting each other. It only took us about 45 minutes to put him in the car and take him home! He was so good in the car. He sat in Joe's lap and didn't make a sound. We made a stop at Petco to buy the essentials. A big new bed, a crate, some toys, lots of treats, his special food, collar, leash, bowls....... We all wondered "Does Pete realize he just hit the jackpot?" Then we got him home, fed him, took him out for a walk and then a nice long and much needed bath. He passed out and slept the whole night.

I have to give a special mention to our friend Donna, a fellow dog lover, who dropped everything and came with us on Sunday. I think I will give her the title of surrogate mother! She was so excited about him she said she felt like she had given birth!

Lastly, I have to mention that Pete also has a very special Uncle Tony and his other nannie, Oralia, who will be part of his every day life. Tony found a great trainer who started yesterday. We had a wonderful class today where we all sat and participated. We want to make sure we do everything right so that he and Ginger are both happy and well adjusted in their home together.

Stay tuned for lots more about this special new boy. We are all already so in love with him.....

Monday, April 21, 2008

Stay Tuned!

For a very, very SPECIAL announcement :)

We Are Family.....

As promised, here is Ginger, with her cousin Luke. Why so angry, Ginger??? You and Luke are family. He came all the way to visit you and this is how you treat him??

Sunday, April 20, 2008

When Edie Met Luke...

Ginger's cousin Luke, the Great Dane, came to visit and I took Little Edie over to join in on the fun. Boy.......Luke has grown! He's so cute but he's absolutely HUGE!! The poor thing got terrorized by the little dogs. Stay tuned for Ginger's video tomorrow!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

He Must Be Stopped....

I received an email from Polly with a lot of bad words in the subject line. Certainly caught my attention. It was about this Costa Rican "artist" that took a dog off the street and tied him up and allowed him to starve to death. This was done as an "art installation". WTF??????? This pig considers himself an artist?? Furthermore, dozens of people saw this installation and did NOTHING. Again, WTF????? And where does the Cotsa Rican government stand on this; that they would allow this to happen???

I'd like to tie this scumbag up and let HIM starve to death. If you can believe this, he has actually been invited to repeat this installation again. Please, please, please sign the petition to stop this idiot. You can do so at the following link. And please pass this along to everyone you know. Thanks, Polly.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Now I've Seen It All......

So there's this store here that sells cupcakes. Nothing but cupcakes. All day long. There is always a line waaaaaay down the block. They have 20 flavors and each precious cupcake costs $3.25 or $36 for a dozen. That's a lot of dough for a cupcake! HA!

They have been featured on tons of tv shows including, the end all-be all - Oprah. I've tried Sprinkles cupcakes. Ehhhh. They're ok. I don't get all the fuss. I'm all about a bargain. I'd rather go to Ralphs and get a dozen cupcakes in a plastic container for $7.99 myself. I love that sugary cupcake icing. YUM! And I'd certainly never wait in that big long line just for a dang cupcake.

Well, Sprinkles couldn't leave well enough alone. Whoever does their marketing is pretty smart. Not only have they started selling their cupcake mix at $14 a pop they now make a cupcake for dogs! At least the dogs get a break. Their cupcake cost $2.50 and is made with unbleached flour, eggs, honey and vanilla. The 'frosting' is made with carob or yogurt.

So now at least you can take your pooch with you to wait in that dreadful line and you both get a reward in the end. Don't forget to bring your $6.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gin is My Hero!!

No silly! Not Tanqueray. Gin, the DOG! Gin was featured on Britain's Got Talent. She is owned by a 16 year old girl. I love how the girl describes their relationship and the fact that Gin can do what she does is totally amazing! Then again, Border Collies are SO smart......what can't they do??

If only I could teach Little Edie to dance like that! I think it's time for a non-human, as Simon put it, to win. I vote for Gin to win!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Little Edie's Agent is Fired!!

Actually, she doesn't have an agent, but if she did they would be fired. STAT! What the hell????How could they make this movie without her??? I mean she lives in Beverly Hills so she would have saved them some money right there. They probably had to go to Mexico to find the dogs for this movie and then they probably got ripped off when the Mexicans got smart and said "Los Chihuhua's especiales cuestan cinquenta mil cada uno" (the special chihuahua's cost $50k each).

And they also got ripped off here with their math cause I'm sorry but not only is Little Edie is 100% warrior and 100% lover she is 100% fierce and 100% f'ing CUTE, ok????? And she is the best Chee-WOW-wa that I know. Ask anybody who knows her. They think so too. Whatever......

So, the Oscar front-runner in this movie is a Beverly Hills chihuahua who goes on vacation with her family in Mexico and gets lost. Chaos and adventure ensues. Of course. How original. Little Edie would go somewhere glamorous like Monaco and get lost there with some hot French Poodle. Much more fun.

Anyways....the film features Jamie Lee Curtis and the voices of Salma Hayek, Andy Garcia, Drew Barrymore, Edward James Olmos and Cheech Marin. Of course, they had to get the latinos involved so all the dogs will sound "Mexican". I LOVE that Drew Barrymore is in the mix. She is, after all, playing the role of the real Little Edie in the Grey Gardens movie due out this fall. She is forgiven. Otherwise.......Yes. I'm bitter..... Just like her namesake, my Little Edie has been waiting for her big audition and she BLEW it by not making this one.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Please pass the Grey Poupon.....

Edie and I love spending time at Polly and Duane's house. Polly is a great cook. She is constantly feeding me and we have many impromptu wine gatherings where Edie, Percy and Agnes get a chance to play.

Every time I have dinner there, whether it's just the three of us or a planned dinner party, it is always effortlessly lavish and perfectly served. I always compliment Polly on her inventive and delicious menus and Duane on his ability to always impress with the presentation. Everything is always served on a platter with delicate little individual glasses or serving dishes. So decadent.

So it is only fitting that Percy and Agnes have their water dish atop a special platter that Duane bought (of course) just for this purpose.

So decadent, indeed......

Monday, April 14, 2008

Little Edie's Sunday Morning....

Little Edie and I had the best Sunday morning. It was about 95 degrees here yesterday. Yes. 95!! We got an early start at 9 am and went for a two hour adventure. In as much shade as possible, thank you very much :)

About half way through we came upon this fountain and I couldn't resist dunking her in. Is that illegal?? Not sure...... Anyways....she pulled a Ginger and began paddling before she even hit the water. Afterwards.....lookout! She was so happy!! She took off running and took me with her!

Edie met and played with so many dogs.....Maggie, Sammy, Lilly, Misha, Sadie, Buddy and Annabelle. She played with little kids and babies. She chased the pigeons in this park. She even had her picture taken by some Japanese tourists! She's such a ham!

Once we got home she had her Sunday morning bath and ran around all wet and happy. Then a yummy snack and a much needed nap in my lap while I did some work on the computer. I wish every Sunday morning could be so perfect.....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chatty Edie

Edie always has something to say. She growls, she chirps, she chordles, she whines, she barks. All I have to do is look at her and she'll start. She just loves to talk. What do you think she's trying to say?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

New Show Premiers Tonight!!

Time to set your TIVO again! Animal Planet has a new show "Groomer Has It". It premiers tonight. It's all about the world of dog grooming!

I can't post the video clip here but you can click on this link to see it.


Also, here is a link to Animal Planet's home page with all the info on the show:


Friday, April 11, 2008

It's the S-H-I-T.........Literally!!!

A London department store has started selling coffee for $100 a shot.

If the price sounds unappealing, then shoppers also have to overcome the unusual method of cultivation, which sees the coffee beans harvested from the feces of an Indonesian jungle cat. Even so, the Peter Jones store says the luxury blend -- called Caffé Raro -- is one of the world's rarest and most premium coffees.

Made by the Italian company De Longhi, Caffé Raro combines Jamaican Blue Mountain and Kupi Luwak, two extremely rare coffees. The beans of Kupi Luwak are harvested after first being ingested by Civet cats and only around 260 kilos of the coffee is produced each year.

"The cats select the best beans to chew. It's rather like a natural filtering process," Carie Barkhuzen, a spokeswoman for the upmarket store in London's upmarket Sloane Square told CNN. The coffee, which went on sale yesterday, is either available at $100 for a shot at the Peter Jones Espresso Bar, or shoppers can buy 100g packs of the coffee beans to take away for the same price.

"It's not exactly flying off the shelves -- it's very expensive after all -- but customers are buying it," Barkhuzen said. The proceeds from the coffee sales will go to charity.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Before and After

Little Edie has a favorite toy. It's a little pink purse that I got for her at Target. It was actually one of the first toys I got her. When you squeeze it makes the sound of a kiss and then it says "I love you". It's really cute.

My mom happened to see it and thought it was cute and got her the same toy for Christmas not knowing she already had it. I told her 'That's ok. I'll save it" I knew the first one would need replacing.

I was right...... On the left is the one I got her back in September. Well....... what's left of the one I got her. On the right is the one my mom got her which I just gave her a few days ago. My mom and I said that if either of us sees it again, we'll buy it for her. Let's see how long version #2 lasts.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Silent Killer

Ever since we lost Frank, Ginger has had to find a new "big dog" to abuse. Enter Wanda. Yes, Wanda! Her faithful Nanny. Wanda is the new Frank. Here's Joe holding Ginger while Wanda tries to go in for a kiss on the belly. Ginger lets her have it. You must understand,tho.....this is more about Ginger not wanting Wanda to come near Joe than it is about not wanting her belly kissed. This is exactly what she used to do to Frank when he would try to get near Joe.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Hot Bitch of The Week!

Check out this amazing video of an elephant painting his self portrait. Watch till the end to see how he finishes it off. Truly incredible.....

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Little Edie hasn't made an appearance here for a while so here she is in her new Burberry cape complete with fur trim collar and cuff with topaz colored rhinestone accents.

It's a cool 65 degrees here today and it will be around the same the rest of the week so it's the perfect opportunity to break out this new outfit.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

RIP Sophie Winfrey

I told you!! I knew Oprah would do a show dedicated to Sophie. Karen confirmed it by posting a comment when I posted about Sophie's passing.

I laid in bed last night and cried while I watched yesterday's episode. I cried throughout the ENTIRE episode. The beginning featured this video which was a dedication to Sophie that brought Oprah to tears but the rest of the show was about the horror that occurs every day all over the Nation in puppy mills.

In puppy mills all over the Nation, dogs are treated like a commodity. Like cattle. They are sold at auctions then kept in cages their whole lives, just to breed as many puppys as they can during each heat cycle so the puppies can then be sold to pet stores and breeders. Many of the dogs can't even walk because they've never been out of the cages.

When they showed the process of how one shelter chooses every day how many dogs they will put down and then show them putting the dogs to sleep, putting them in bags and throwing them in a dumpster I lost it. It makes me cry even as I type this. It's horrifying, inexcusable and it's a shame that this goes on in our very own country while at the same time billions are being spent every year on our pets.

Here is a link to Oprah's website where you can read about the episode, see pictures and see how you can help. Please, please do what you can. Spay and neuter your pets and consider a shelter before going to a pet store or a breeder. If you saw this episode it most certainly weighed very heavily on you.


Friday, April 04, 2008

Pet Psychics: A Growing Trend

Have you ever wondered what your cat is thinking? Is she sick? How can get my dog to stop biting? Is he happy with the new organic pet food?

Increasingly, pet lovers are turning to pet psychics like Sharon Kurtz for a better understanding of their pets. Kurtz, who can communicate with any animal as well as humans, welcomes people’s interest in learning what their pets have to say, “because the animals want and need to be heard,” she says, “and they definitely have something to say.”

Since her childhood, Kurtz has been able to talk with people and animals, but her mother discouraged such activities. Her decision to offer psychic readings evolved from her work as an emergency room nurse. “Accident victims would sometimes arrive at the hospital emergency room with their pets,” said Kurtz, a registered nurse. “I just knew what the pet was saying.” Her pet psychic services blossomed even further when she became involved in holistic healing practices. More and more people wanted to know what their pets were thinking.

Take Margaret Woodward. She knew her 12-year-old tabby named Jessie Bessie was dying from cancer. Because the veterinarian didn’t even vaccinate her cat, Woodward knew that her cat was probably dying. She watched as Jessie Bessie’s world became smaller and smaller until the cat just rested lightly on the bed, taking water but no food. Woodward called a pet psychic to get a better understanding of her cat’s condition.

From Kurtz, she learned that the pet had no concept of dying and no understanding of disease. “A pet’s world is simple,” said Kurtz. “The cat wasn’t sad about her condition.”

The psychic reading gave Woodward a greater understanding and acceptance of Jessie Bessie’s death. And so, she was able to arrange for a peaceful ending.

Should you contact a pet psychic? “Yes,” said Kurtz, but she notes, “Animal communication is not the same as human communication. Their thoughts are quite simple and direct.

“Pets focus on the positives rather than the negatives. For example, if you tell Fido not to go on the couch, he only hears “couch.” You should focus on where he should be instead of where he shouldn’t be. They don't understand negatives.”

How is a reading conducted? Surprisingly, just like with humans, pet readings can take place over the telephone. Kurtz only needs the pet’s name. She discourages pet owners from providing elaborate details. Sometimes in homes with multiple animals, pet readings can get confusing. “Pets will just randomly chime in,” said Kurtz. “When this happens, I will ask the other animals step aside.”

How long is a typical psychic reading? It only takes can 15 minutes. Kurtz said, “In that time pets usually tell you everything you need to know.”

Some pet owners turn to psychics to learn about a deceased pet. Kurtz said, “Pets should be allowed time to transition after their death. We, as humans, desperately miss their companionship and can hold them to the earth plane. They need time to “cross over.” Usually this time is from 24 to 48 hours unless they have reached an untimely death in their youth and need a longer time to transition. They will always let the pet psychic know.”

Kurtz offered this final advisory: Come prepared with your questions. “The pet will continue to ‘speak,’ about how much he enjoys car rides but to get meaningful answers, have your questions ready.”

For more information Kurtz can be reached at her website: http://www.intouchtoo.com/.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

In Memory of Sophie

I know I'm a little late in catching you up on all the news but I'm sure some of you have not heard that Oprah's first dog, Sophie, passed away. A source at Harpo Studios told Celebrity Dog Watcher that “everyone here is really sad…Sophie was truly part of the Harpo family — as well as Oprah’s.” 13-year-old Sophie suffered from kidney failure. Last year, one of Oprah's other dogs, Grace, died after she choked on a ball.

I think Oprah probably loved Sophie more than she loves Stedman. I'm sure there will be an entire episode of Oprah dedicated to Sophie.......

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

It's Me or the Dog

Set your TIVO!! I have a new favorite show. Animal Planet's "It's Me or The Dog". Have you seen this show? It's the UK's version of "The Dog Whisperer". The host is Victoria Stilwell, who has some very good and easy tips on solving some of the most basic dog problems. The show is set in England and is really quite funny. I love that they all have these huge open, grassy fields to take their dogs to. Little Edie would love to have all that grass to run across!

Here is a youtube clip from an episode that featured four unruly chihuahuas and a bulldog.

Here is a link to Victoria's website and the link to her show from the Animal Planet site. I have also added her to Little Edie and Jake's list of helpful links. Enjoy!!

