Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Little Edie's First Christmas....

Little Edie had such a fun day yesterday. She got plenty of new toys, treats and food. This was also her first sleep over away from her own house. She did really well and slept the whole night in her crate. No accidents in Grandma and Grandpa's house either. I was very proud of her.

There is a great dog park by my parents house. They have two flat, fenced off parks. One for big dogs and one for small dogs. Before our Christmas brunch we took Edie over to the park and let her loose! Wow! She's never had an experience like that before!

Whenever a new dog would come in all of the dogs would run over to sniff, assess and greet. Here is Little Edie in her Christmas sweater passing her initiation period into the small dog park. There is a video at the end of her and some of the dogs playing. She had a blast!

She also got to eat some yummy ham and some bites of lasagna with us. Needless to say after all of that excitement and food, she totally passed out with her face buried into Grandmas lap!

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