Friday, December 07, 2007

Capuccino or 'Expresso'??

Aunt Wanda took Javier back to the vet for a checkup one week after his 'expression' incident. He was put on antibiotics since he had a little infection back there. The vet gave him a gold star today and said he is all better and I don't have to try to shove half a pill down his throat everyday anymore. Phew! They also clipped his nails so he can play with his sister Edie and I don't have to worry about him taking her eye out.

When Jake came home I had a party platter waiting for him....tuna, treats and his crunchy dry food. He was so happy! Then he made a bold move! I caught him sleeping in his sisters bed!!! That was a first and totally hysterical. She just stared at him a little confused but being the good girl that she is, she decided to share and let him sleep there for a while.

Oh and Jake isn't having his 'expresso' alone. Karen emailed me today to let me know that little Cooper was dragging his butt across the floor and she realized he needed to order an 'expresso' too! Talk about timing!!

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