Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from me, Jake and Little Edie. Have a safe & fun evening!

Hot Bitch of The Week!

Tiger, The Brady Bunch Dog

When Carol and Mike blended their families to create the Brady Bunch, the boys contributions included a dog named Tiger. First broadcast on September 26, 1969, The Brady Bunch ran for five years.

Tiger appeared in many early episodes of the show. Tiger was played by a dog named Tiger in real life. Unfortunately, the dog was run over by a car and died of his injuries before the 4th episode. Producers were able to find a look-alike replacement, but that dog didn't last too long. He was let go because of his alleged unpredictability. Producers tried but couldn't find another, appropriate dog so Tiger was written out of the show. In season one, episode 18, Bobby is heartbroken because Tiger has run away from home.

Ok, now I'm depressed. I never knew that about poor Tiger. I cried right there along with Bobby when Tiger ran away.....

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Time to go Night Night...

Hasn't it been freezing at night? I keep layering on the blankets but can't seem to keep warm enough. And my feet are always freezing! Little Edie has been burrowing under the covers for warmth too. The other day I saw Ginger in the cutest little pair of doggie pajamas. Eureka! That's what Little Edie needs. So, I've been on the hunt for a cute and cozy pair for her. Myself, I saw a onesie with the feet built in for teens at Target and am contemplating whether I can fit into it. It looks like the yummiest, coziest thing ever. Here are some ideas if your little one needs some winter loungewear too.....

Grey Gardens Sunday

Here's another totally hysterical Grey Gardens clip set to music. Whoever thought this one up deserves an Emmy!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Donnie the Doberman

The other night there was a very interesting show on the National Geographic channel called “Dog Genius”. The show featured Donnie, a four year old rescued Doberman. No one knew anything about Donnie's past except that he had been kept in a kennel for about a year. Donnie was very slow to learn at first. It took him several months to get used to doorways and simple tasks like using stairs. After about six months he got accustomed to his new home, and even let his new owner put her arm around him without flinching.

Donnie's owner bought him about 80 stuffed animal toys to keep him entertained. Suddenly she noticed that Donnie started arranging his toys in patterns in their big backyard - triangles, circles, parallel lines…. and in many cases grouping them together - all frogs, all monkeys, etc.... Either all of the toys were face up in the arrangements, or all face down. He would even go as far as making sure they were touching or holding hands in a lot of his designs. Sometimes he would work like a true artist. Stand back, look at the composition, then rearrange something until he was satisfied.

His owner showed a photo album with dozens of triangle patterns like this one.

Two bears holding hands.

All frogs with a toy.

The day after Donnie allowed his owner to fully wrap her arm around him in a hug for the first time, Donnie created this design…

The owner knew there was something to all of this so she contacted Barbara Smuts, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan who studies social behavior in canines. Of course Smuts assumed that the owner was either helping Donnie or was crazy. Smuts finally flew out to see Donnie and at first couldn’t believe her eyes, especially after setting up hidden cameras and watching from indoors so as not to cause any distraction.

This is now a research project for the professor, and she said “Donnie can’t be the only dog in the world who does this, I’m hoping that people will see this show and say, ‘Hey, that’s like my dog, or I know a dog that does that, and email me. We need a larger sample to find out what’s going on.” If by chance you know a dog that behaves like this, she would love to hear from you…

Set your TIVO….. the show will air again on the National Geographic Channel at 1 pm Dec. 30, 7 pm Feb. 1 and 2 a.m. Feb. 2.

See, I told you Dobermans were one of the smartest dogs :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Frances Albert Friday!

I was with Joe and Darren yesterday and we met another Doberman owner. It's amazing when you share stories. It sounds like you are talking about the same dog. Doberman traits are pretty standard. Joe told her a funny story that I had forgotten about so I thought I'd share it with you here today.

As you know, Frank came from a Doberman rescue. When he was just a puppy Joe had to go out of town. He wanted to leave him in a kennel so that Frank would learn to socialize with other dogs but also so that he would learn that Joe would always come back for him so he didn't need to be worried about being left or given away. The kennel was a fun place where all the dogs stayed behind a white picket fence and played together. We thought he would have a blast.

Poor Frank. He lost 11 pounds while he was there. When Joe came to pick him up Frank looked up and saw him, came running and leaped over all of the dogs, over the picket fence and into Joe's arms. Joe never took him there again.........

Say Cheese!

Here are Debra's babies Charley, Nikki and Romy heading out on their walk but stopping to pose for a picture for mommy!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Glamour Shot

The other night I was at a holiday party and saw Karen's friend Rachelle. We started talking about this blog and she told me all about her Basset Hound, Mojo. I told her she must submit a picture and story and make Mojo a regular here.

I showed her the picture of Little Edie that is the screen saver on my phone. Then she whipped out her wallet and pulled out a photo of Mojo. Not before she admitted, however, that Mojo had posed for this "glamour shot". You've seen these, right? Where you go to the mall and you get all decked out like a glamazon and then you pose like supermodel? Well, Mojo's pic was totally fabulous but he was not all decked out.

Then I saw these wigs and I thought how fun it would be to really dress your little one up in true "glamour shot" fashion..... Check out the Little Edie lookalike with the 'amber' wig. I'm ready for my close-up!

If a Dog was the Teacher......

We would learn things like.....

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be
pure ecstasy.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day , be silent, sit close by and
nuzzle them gently.

(Thanks, Nana B.)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Little Edie's First Christmas....

Little Edie had such a fun day yesterday. She got plenty of new toys, treats and food. This was also her first sleep over away from her own house. She did really well and slept the whole night in her crate. No accidents in Grandma and Grandpa's house either. I was very proud of her.

There is a great dog park by my parents house. They have two flat, fenced off parks. One for big dogs and one for small dogs. Before our Christmas brunch we took Edie over to the park and let her loose! Wow! She's never had an experience like that before!

Whenever a new dog would come in all of the dogs would run over to sniff, assess and greet. Here is Little Edie in her Christmas sweater passing her initiation period into the small dog park. There is a video at the end of her and some of the dogs playing. She had a blast!

She also got to eat some yummy ham and some bites of lasagna with us. Needless to say after all of that excitement and food, she totally passed out with her face buried into Grandmas lap!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays!!

Little Edie and I are off to spend a couple of days with Grandma & Grandpa. Jake will be resting quietly with the house all to himself.

We wish you all a wonderful Holiday and thank you for reading my little blog and sharing all of your pictures, stories and comments.

Christmas without Audrey

This is my first Christmas without Audrey. Here we are on our first Christmas together thirteen years ago. She was just a baby. I had only had her about a month. Look at how little she was next to the poinsettia plant! I have a little tree that I decorate every year for the cats and I keep it in the bedroom. There are little ornaments on it with their pictures. I was sad this year when I put up the little tree and I saw this picture of Audrey on her ornament.

Audrey loved Christmas. The tree, the flashing lights, the ornaments, all the presents, bows, ribbons. One year she barfed right on my moms present and I had to rewrap the whole thing. I got smart later and learned to get a smaller tree that I would put in a tall planter up high so she couldn't get to it.

Audrey only had two Christmas' with me in our new house. She loved it here. She would stare at the fire in the fireplace and lounge on the couch or in her pink bed. When I'd have company over, I'd put her and Jake safely away in he bedroom so they wouldn't be scared. Audrey would always come out towards the end and sit with us. She was really starting to come out of her shell.......

Hot Bitch of The Week!

The Taco Bell Chihuahua

Taco Bell's successful ad campaign launched in September of 1997. Played by Gidget, a Chihuahua born two years earlier, the spokesdog is voiced by Carlos Alazraqui. Mr. Alazraqui's voice can also be heard in television shows such as "The Fairly Odd Parents," "Rocko's Modern Life," "SpongeBob SquarePants," "Futurama," and "Reno 911!"

Speaking with the aid of CGI, the dog's slogan "Yo queiro Taco Bell" has become part of our lexicon, as has "Drop the chalupa!" Toy figures of the tiny dog were produced and in 2002, Gidget made a cameo appearance in a Geico commercial featuring their spokesgecko!

Some Hispanics decried Gidget's campaign, calling it stereotypical. Taco Bell denied this, but stopped running the ads in 2000 for another campaign.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Day of Beauty

Every Sunday Little Edie gets her bath. I put her in my tub and she sits patiently while I wash her with her puppy shampoo. We rinse off then I wrap her in a big towel and pat her dry. When I put her down she shakes herself vigorously and then takes off running doing the happy dance. However, she quickly runs back shivering when she realizes she's still wet and its COLD! She doesn't like the blow dryer but tolerates it pretty well. She just buries her head until it's over. A couple spritzes of her puppy perfume, then I put this cute terry cloth robe on her and she's done.

Grey Gardens Sunday

Many devoted Grey Gardens fans love to take clips from the documentary and set them to music to make their own little montages. Here is one of my favorites, set to the song "Disco Inferno". It is from the scene where there is a fire in the house and Little Edie is going crazy trying to put it out. Big Edie gets mad at her because she uses Jacqueline's $300 blanket in the process.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

One of Santa's New Reindeer??

Its the Evolutionary Story for the Day

The Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a perky, merry, devoted, and loving dog. Spirited and obedient, yet absolutely fearless. Careful and amusing, he enjoys games and playing with toys. Friendly and generally kind to children who have been taught not to tease or strike the dog. They are intelligent, yet willful and determined. They can be slightly difficult to train and need a firm, experienced trainer. The Jack Russell can be aggressive with other dogs if not well trained and socialized. Some have killed or been killed in dog fights. Early socialization can help substantially moderate this trait. They have strong hunting instincts (stronger than your average terrier) and should not be trusted with other small animals. They like to chase and explore. Be careful not to let them off the lead unless they are very well-trained. Jack Russells like to bark and dig. They tend to get restless and destructive if not kept fruitfully occupied and well exercised. Jack Russells climb, which means they can climb over a fence, they also jump. A Jack that stands 12 inches high can easily jump five feet. JRTs are not the breed for a inexperienced dog owner.

This is a BIG dog in a little dogs body. The owner needs to be as strong-willed as they are, or this little guy will take over. With the right owner this little dog can really excel, but is not recommended for those who have not had prior experience with terriers. The Jack Russell Terrier must present a lively, active and alert appearance. It should impress with its fearless and happy disposition. It should be remembered that the Jack Russell is a working terrier and should retain these instincts. Nervousness, cowardice or over-aggressiveness should be discouraged and it should always appear confident.

Height: 10-15 inches (25-38 cm)Weight: 14-18 pounds (6-8 kg)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Frances Albert Friday!

Frank on cat patrol

Frank had a thing about cats. He looked for them everywhere. He never forgot where he saw a cat. Every time we'd walk him and come across a cat he would stop. Frozen. The mouth would do this slow up and down movement. His breath would appear to stop. The legs would implant firmly into the ground but then tremble. His ears would stand up straight and then the tips would touch. They would have the staring contest. Eventually one of them would make a move and all hell would break loose. Some cats ran away in fear, many taunted him. He never forgot where he had a run in with a cat and always would run back to that spot to see if it was there.

Joe and Darren had a beach house with a big deck. Cats lived in the houses on either side. Every time they were there for the weekend Frank would spend the whole time out on the deck going back and forth from one side to the other doing his cat patrol. Then he would go for his long walks and it seemed like every house or apartment building had a cat. He was always on alert.

Frank spent his last three days on this earth doing what he loved. He was at this beach house with his family doing cat patrol.

Dog Of All Trades....

Gardening Shelby

Mechanic Shelby

Firefighter Shelby

Chef Shelby

Oceanographer Shelby

Parade Magazine was recently running a dog costume contest. They have not posted their winner yet. I was looking through some of the entries. I love what this woman did. She dressed her dog up and put her in all kinds of different 'occupations'. Isn't this a beautiful dog? She looks so sweet. And what a good sport! My favorite is Oceanographer Shelby. Which one do you like?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm Leavin' on a Jet Plane.....

Woof Air has just unveiled it's newest jumbo jet. Clear the runways.......this one is coming in for a soft landing. If your little one needs a stylin' new bed, this one will set you back about $250. For the jet setting dog, this one's a must.

That's What Edie Always Says....

While shopping for wine the other day I came across this bottle of Shiraz and had a good laugh when I saw the name........ "Jake's Fault". I had to buy a bottle. It's actually not bad!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Public Service Announcement From Ginger!

Only one week left to do your Christmas shopping.
I wear a size small and my favorite colors are pink and purple......




Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife, Lisa, and their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home. As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time. I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion.

We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly piped up "I know why." Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice,right?" The six-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."

(Thanks, Nana B)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Hot Bitch of The Week!

El Conquistador, The Baby Ocelot

An endangered Brazilian ocelot kitten was born at the Louisville Zoo Sept. 23. This was the first offspring for mom Miguela and second for father Itirapua.

The birth is very significant and important for the species. There are only 26 Brazilian ocelots in American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) institutions nationwide. The birth is also notable because of the passing on of Itirapua’s vital founder stock genetic diversity.

When Itirapua’s mother, who lived in the wild, was hit by a car, she was taken to a local animal hospital where Itirapua was born. He was named after that local Brazilian town—Itirapua. He is known as Itty for short.

“There are only seven Brazilian ocelots considered founder stock in AZA institutions,” said Louisville Zoo Assistant Animal Curator Candy McMahan. “So Itty’s genes are critical for the species.”

El Conquistador garnered his name when at 2 days old he wandered from his mother’s side and squeezed through fencing into a hallway for keeper staff on the back side of the exhibit. “And he did all this when he was unable to see,” McMahan laughed. “He was so young, his eyes were still closed. So, we named him El Conquistador because he is definitely an explorer and conqueror.”

Ocelots are a new species to the Louisville Zoo, just arriving earlier this summer. “Itty arrived with a reputation for being an aggressive male and not able to be introduced to a female,” McMahan said. “But our staff worked hard to get the pair trained and acquainted.” The first time the pair was together, they bred.

“I am very proud of our staff here at the Zoo,” McMahan said. “They are dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable in working with cats and do an amazing job working with Itty and Miguela. We are thrilled with El Conquistador and couldn't’t be happier. His genetic makeup is very important to the Brazilian ocelot species.”

McMahan said. “The current SSP [Species Survival Plan] goal is for the Brazilian ocelot population to top100 animals and that starts with successful births like El Conquistador.” As with all babies, El Conquistador’s schedule varies and can be unpredictable. There currently are no set exhibit times to see mom Miguela and baby El Conquistador.

Brazilian ocelots, a subspecies of ocelots (there are eight), are native to Brazil and about three times the size of a housecat. They are one of the smallest felines found in the tropical rainforest.

Fashion Forward

If Little Edie had known she would be a muse for the fashion industry and inspire an entire collection 30 years after she made her film debut she would have been thrilled. Chanel's fall/winter collection is full of Little Edie head wrapping style. Uncle Karl knows a good thing when he sees it. Also make sure to check out the Amy Winehouse inspired hairdos........

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Play Date

Last night I came home after doing some Christmas shopping. I put my jammies on, lit the tree and garland, put on a fire and settled in to do some gift wrapping. Joe and Darren called and asked if they could bring Ginger by for a couple of hours while they attended a holiday party.

Ever since Frank left us Ginger's been very needy and even a little sad. She always had her big brother by her side. She never had to stay in the house alone. EVER! I had mentioned to the boys that if they had somewhere to go, they shouldn't feel guilty leaving her, they could bring her over to mine. Edie would LOVE a play date with her cousin Ginger!!

So, here's a sneak peak......Little Edie danced around Ginger for 2 hours. Ginger loved being with me but kept looking around like "but why are we HERE??" "what's THIS place?" She was so happy when Darren came back in to get her. Little Edie was worn out. She promptly passed out in my lap as soon as Ginger left.

Grey Gardens Sunday

Anyone who is a Grey Gardens fan LOVES this scene. It is classic Little Edie.

I actually found a t-shirt for my Little Edie That says "S-T-A-U-N-C-H"!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Venetian Terrier

While visiting Venice a couple of years ago, Karen and I stopped for a fun tour through the Murano glass factory. Did you know that they can make just about anything out of Murano glass? Imagine our surprise when we came across this Murano Yorkie! Price tag......about $10,000! That's one pricey and delicate little pup!

Thought For The Day.....

Handle every stressful situation like a dog.

If you can't eat it or hump it.

Piss on it and walk away.

(Thanks, Karen)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Frances Albert Friday!

So many of Joe & Darren's female friends and family have stayed at their house over the years. Everyone always said the same thing about Frank. They always felt safe. Like he was watching over them. Frank loved company. He was so happy when people were in his house. He always stayed close to daddy but would make sure to make the rounds and check on everybody.

I used to stay at the house when Joe and Darren would take trips. I always felt so safe there alone at night with Frank. He was always by my side. I would pull his bed next to me to watch tv and he was always right there. The best was when we would go to sleep. He would jump up in the bed next to me and position himself like a person with his head on the pillow. He would then promptly take over more than his side of the bed. He would snore, dream, kick and fart all night long. I would wake up and he'd be practically pushing me off the bed. But then I'd reposition him, we'd end up spooning together and he would let out a big content grunt and go back to sleep.

In the morning he would wake up, stretch those long legs, let out a loud squeak of a yawn, jump off the bed, shake himself off and then do his happy dance while he waited for me to take him to the kitchen for his good morning treat. As we walked down the hall he always nipped at my hand with his mouth. Those were special times.

Downward Facing Dog....

While his friends practice downward dog, Max tries to show off to his nazi yoga instructor by doing his best tree pose......

Thursday, December 13, 2007

These Boots Were Made for Walkin....

Here's Little Edie modeling a Christmas sweater that her cousin Ginger gave her and some new booties that I just got for her from Petco. Gotta keep those tootsies warm too.

She's totally rocking the Christmas sweater but is!!

Chewy Vuitton

What to get the dog that has everything??? Same thing you get the girl who has everything!! You can never go wrong with a gift from Louis.....I mean Chewy....Vuitton.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Bird is Ringing

Imagine jumping when you hear your phone ring, only to realize that it never rang at all! This bird, Billy, is the culprit behind that very scenario with his owner, Stuart McNae, both seen here. The Blue-fronted Amazon Parrot is able to perfectly learn and mimic ringtones . . . so perfectly, in fact, that his owner has had to change the mobile phone's sound five times already!

To make matters worse, Billy also likes to wait until Stuart leaves the room to copy the sound, and even imitates laughter when he dashes back to answer. The bird has already learned the Nokia theme, Lou Bega’s Mambo Number 5, the BBC Match of the Day tune, Soul Limbo by Booker T and the MGs and Bob Marley’s No Woman No Cry . . .

I think it's time to put that phone.....uh, bird......on vibrate!

Breakfast at Sniffanys.....

If my little Miss Audrey Hepburn was still with us I'd buy her this adorable collection......

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

South of the Border

Gingerita shows off her spicy latina side in this Mexican inspired
poncho & sombrero. Ay mammi! Muy caliente!!!

Its the Evolutionary Story for the Day

The Dachshund

There are three varieties of Dachshund: the short-haired, the wired-haired, and the long-haired. With each of these varieties there are three sizes. (See Height and Weight.) The Dachshund is an elongated, vigorous, muscular dog with short legs. It carries itself proudly and has an intelligent expression. It has an elongated head and a slight convex skull, arched and protruding eyebrows, a long muzzle, robust jaws with non-pendent lips, and a pincers or scissors bite with extremely strong canine teeth (Dachshunds usually have 42 teeth). Its eyes are oval, dark red or brown-black with an energetic and friendly expression. Its ears are mobile and hanging long on its cheeks. Its body should have a strong protruding sternum and a moderately retracted abdomen. Its tail is carried in line with its back. The short-haired Dachshund's coat should be shiny, sleek and uniform. Solid-colored Dachshunds may be tan or yellow. Bi-color Dachshunds may be deep black, brown, or gray with areas of bright chestnut. There are also piebald, speckle-streaked, or harlequin varieties.

Lively and affectionate; proud and bold, almost rash. Tenacious. Can be willful and clownish. Curious and mischievous, they are very clever and may attempt to train the owner rather than allow the opposite. Devoted to his family, some fanciers feel the long-haired variety is calmer than the other two types. The wire-haired variety is more outgoing and clown-like. All are slightly difficult to train. Dachshunds are good dogs to travel with. They are best with older, considerate children and are moderately protective. These little dogs like to bark (their barks are surprisingly loud for their size) and are compulsive diggers. They are generally okay with other pets, however, they can be jealous, irritable, obstinate and very quick to bite. Sometimes they will refuse to be handled. They should not be over fed, for this breed tends to gain weight quickly.

Normal (standard): Height 14-18 inches (35-45cm.); Weight- 20 pounds (9kg.)Miniature (dwarf): Height up to 14 inches (35cm.); Weight 9 pounds (4kg.)Toy: Height Up to 12 inches (30cm.); Weight 8 pounds (3.5kg.)Note: The Toy Dachshund is not a recognized size variation, however there are some breeders breeding Dachshunds smaller than a Mini Dachshund and they are calling these dogs "Toys".

Monday, December 10, 2007

Riding in Style.....

Cooper's mommy Karen turned me on to this great doggie car seat. I bought one for Edie and she just loves it! It even doubles as a bed if you want to use it in the house.

It's the perfect booster seat for small dogs so they can sit up high in your car and look out the window. Edie always rests her chin on the edge as she watches the world go by! It has a slot that you slip your seat belt through so it stays secure and there is a strap that you can attach to your dog's collar or harness to keep them in place.

It's made of comfortable foam with a lambs wool interior and a nylon quilt exterior that is secured with elastic so you can remove it and wash it when it gets dirty! You can order it in all different kinds of colors and patterns and you can even have it monogrammed! Totally genious!

Edie got the black one and her model has a drawer underneath (like the one pictured) where we can keep some treats, extra baggies and toys! She also has an optional rack that secures to the front that has a food and water bowl for long journeys!

Hot Bitch of The Week!

Pepé Le Pew

Pepé Le Pew has all the qualities of a great lover. He is a born romantic. His enthusiasm knows no bounds. His ego is as big as the Eiffel Tower. He showers les femmes with flowery come-ons, champagne, and gifts. He purrs. He coos. He cajoles... All in that entrancing French accent.

But like all great heroes, he has a flaw: his natural, er, "perfume." That skunk stench has been known to make flowers wilt as he walks by. Buildings clear out the moment the amorous Pepé enters. Marble statues—which have survived hundreds of years of rain and wind—melt in his presence.

But worst of all, that stench makes the ladies run away from Pepé in horror. Love may be blind, but its ability to smell is A-OK. But luckily for our olfactory-challenged lover, he has one other abiding quality, perhaps his best: He won't take no for an answer.

