Saturday, February 09, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Today would have been my friend Kevin's 37th birthday. Kevin passed away in 2004. Hard to believe this year will be four years without him in our lives. Kevin was a rock star. He was a bad ass. He was crazy on the outside but on the inside he was sensitive, vulnerable, smart and totally genuine. He didn't like most people but he loved, loved, loved his family and friends. He would do just about anything for you if you were a family member or his friend.

Kevin loved animals. He used to find strays all the time and take them in until he could find their owners. I remember Kevin finding a dog on a busy street once and taking him home, taking his picture and making fliers to post all over his neighborhood. It worked. The dog belonged to a family in the neighborhood and they got him back thanks to Kevin's fliers. We used to crack up months later when we would see one stray flier still hanging on a light post somewhere because Kevin was holding the dog in the picture and you could see his skinny leg in his rocker jeans with his pointy Dolce and Gabbana boot. His signature look.

He had a cat, Lodi, that he loved that lived with his parents. He also got a Doberman for his parents, Archie.

He was responsible for bringing Frank into our lives. He went to Doberman rescue and found Frank there and brought him home as a surprise for Joe. Frank LOVED Kevin. Kevin used to take him everywhere when he was puppy. They always took their afternoon nap together. Poor Frank never really got over losing Kevin.

He was also responsible for bringing Ginger into our lives. He and Joe talked about how cute it would be to have a little Manchester Terrier so Kevin found a breeder and one morning he drove about three hours away to go pick her up. He brought her home as a gift to Joe.

Audrey, my cat, loved Kevin. He was the only other person to have had the pleasure of having Audrey sit in his lap. She hated everyone. She tolerated a few people. She loved Kevin.

One day we went to the mall together and visited the pet store. There was a Doberman puppy for sale. It broke his heart to see a Doberman all caged up so he yanked him outta there and bought him hoping that he could convince Joe to let him keep him. We told Joe we found the dog in the middle of a busy street. Our plan backfired a bit. They weren't able to keep him but Kevin eventually found a home for him. I finally told Joe after Kevin passed how we really got that dog. Joe said he always thought our story about finding him in the street sounded a little funny.

Happy Birthday, mama!! We love you and we miss you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article about my son Kevin. He really was an animal lover. When he was a little boy I would never know what kind of animal he would bring home to nurse back to health, usually birds but sometimes a cat or dog. We would try to fix the hurt wings of the birds. When they were better we would have a big fly off party. Sometimes we would have a funeral in the back yard. Kevin would say some kind words over them before he would bury them.
We still have our Archie. Kevin said that his dad needed him. Kevin knew how to match people and pets.
You are right he really did know how to love his family. He was never ashamed to say that he was a mamma's boy, which he really was. He was my joy. My life will never be the same without him.

