Sunday, February 10, 2008

Alter Egos

Lately I've been noticing how very much Little Edie reminds me of my dearly departed cat, Audrey. I know you are thinking "Girl.....we've seen a lot of cooky stuff on this blog. You done lost your damn mind this time." I know it sounds crazy but hear me out.....

Audrey was a very special cat. She was a soulmate pet. We were very in tune with each other. Just a certain look or a sound and she would react to me. She was always in my lap. Inseparable we were. In the five months that I've had Little Edie I have noticed all these little Audrey-isms. I keep thinking to myself.....hmmmm....isn't that funny?? Now mind you, Jake lived with Audrey for 12 years. You would think he would have picked up on some of her traits after all that time. Nope. Not a one. But Little Edie came along and just practically filled her little shoes....

When I put my makeup on, Audrey used to jump up and sit behind me on the chair. She would watch intensely and sometimes I would pretend to put a little blush on her and she would just look at me with that cute face, purring very loudly and let out a little meow. Now Little Edie does the same thing (minus the meow.....she wags her tail).

When I lay on the couch, on my back, to watch tv Audrey used to love to lie in my lap with her front legs stretched all the way out almost touching my ankles and her back legs curled under and resting on my stomach. Now Little Edie does the same thing. And I mean, the same thing. Exact same position.

When I lay on the couch, on my stomach, to watch tv Audrey used to lay curled up on top of my thighs just under my butt. Now Little Edie does the same thing.

Audrey used to sleep under the covers right smack in the middle of the bed in the little dip where the two mattresses meet. I always wondered how the heck she could breathe under all the covers. Now Little Edie does the same thing.

Audrey was always in my lap. When I laid in bed, watched tv or was at the computer. Now Little Edie does the same thing.

When I talk on the phone with my mom, Audrey would start to climb all over me, trying to get my attention. I would put the phone to her ear and my mom would talk to her. Audrey would talk back. Now Little Edie does the same thing (Edie also brings me her toys to try to get my attention).

Audrey loved to go outside. She would lie on the sofa and put her head up with her eyes closed and bask in the sun. She would sniff intensely and whip her head around quickly when a bird went by. Now Little Edie does the same thing. (Hence, the photos.)

Audrey loved her pink Juicy bed. Little Edie inherited it (the reversible cover came in handy). Now Little Edie loves it too.

Audrey ruled the house. Jake had no say. Now Little Edie does too.

Audrey was a great little watch cat. She would stand up on her back legs and growl whenever she heard a sound at the front or back door. Now Little Edie does the same thing.

Audrey had this cute little delicate face with her little black button nose. Little Edie has the same cute little delicate face with her little black button nose.

I only have to look at Little Edie and she reacts. She barks, talks and wags her tail. She dances. Just like Audrey used to. Minus the barking - Audrey would swish the end of her tail, meow and purr.

I was Audrey's whole world. Now I am Little Edie's whole world. I thought Audrey and I were so lucky to have each other. Now I think the same of Little Edie and me.

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