Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Presidents Day!!

In Honor of Presdients day here is a list of the top 5 Presidential Pets!

#5 Him and Her (Lyndon Johnson 1963-1969)

Him and Her were brother and sister Beagles born on June 27, 1963. Johnson often played with the two on the White House lawn. Two of Him’s puppies, Freckles and Kim, were kept by Johnson’s daughter Luci. During his presidency, Johnson also had three other dogs, J. Edgar, Blanco and Yuki.

#4 Rex (Ronald Reagan 1981-1989)

Rex was a Cavalier King Charles spaniel owned by Nancy and Ronald Reagan. The former President gave Rex to the First Lady as a Christmas present in 1985. Rex is thought to be named for Rex Scouten, a former White House chief usher. Rex lived to age 13.

#3 Socks (Bill Clinton 1993-2001)

Socks moved into the White House with the Clintons in 1993. He was the first cat to live in the White House since Amy Carter's cat, Misty Malarky Ying Yang. When the Clintons left the White House in 2001 Socks was left under the care of Bill Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie.

#2 Millie (George Bush 1989-1993)

Mildred Kerr Bush, or Millie, was a Springer spaniel owned by the Bush family. She was named after the Bush’s longtime friend Mildred Caldwell Kerr. In 1997 Millie died of pneumonia at age 12.

#1 Checkers (Richard Nixon 1969-1974)

Checkers was an American cocker spaniel born in 1951. Checkers was given to the Nixon family by a Texas supporter after he read that Nixon’s daughters wanted a dog. The dog is buried at Long Island's Bide-a-Wee Pet Cemetery.

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