Friday, February 15, 2008

Francis Albert Friday!

When Kevin brought Ginger home he told us that her mother and father, who were owned by the breeder, were both award winning show dogs. Part of his agreement with them in taking Ginger was that he would show her. He agreed.

One day they called him and told him about a dog show that was coming up. He got so excited. One Saturday Joe, Kevin, Frank, Ginger and I got in the car and drove about an hour away to a park where the dog show was to take place.

Frank was visibly nervous on the drive there. The minute we pulled into the parking lot and he saw all these other dogs he started to get even more nervous. What did he think? That we were going to leave him there? That we didn't want him any more now that we had brougth home his sister?

Kevin took Ginger and off they went to learn how to properly 'show' the dog in the ring. I stayed with Joe and Frank. Frank clung to Joe. He was so aggitated. He was barking like crazy at all the other dogs. There were dogs on leases, there were dogs in little made up pens with wire fencing around them. We barely made it into the park when all of a sudden Frank lifted up his leg and pee'd all over Joe's leg. We couldn't believe it! He was marking Joe! He wanted to show all the other dogs that Joe was HIS!

We went to find a bathroom. It was way on the other end of the park. Joe took Frank into the bathroom with him and took off his jeans and rinsed them off in the sink. Out they came with Joe's wet pant leg. Frank behaved so badly that we had to spend the entire show sitting at the other end of the park so Ginger could have her moment without her brother embarrasing her.

Ginger won two first places that day. Best in her breed and best in show. Frank won an award too - Bad Doberman in Show.

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