Friday, February 01, 2008

Francis Albert Friday!

One of our favorite Frank nicknames was Mr. Fourth of July. This all started about three years ago when Joe and Darren were spending summer weekends at their beach house. On the Fourth of July we would gather at the house, barbeque and watch the fireworks over the bay. We had a perfect view from the house.

We didn't think anything of it the first year until the moment the fireworks started. Frank immediately climbed into Joe's lap and curled into a little ball all the while shaking and wimpering like a baby. He did NOT like the fireworks. We couldn't believe it had such an effect on him. You know.....this big, butch Doberman! The cat terrorizer of the neighborhood! His sister, Ginger's, BIG brother! The protector and leader of the pack! Ginger was hopping about happy as could be and Frank was having a nervous breakdown.

The next year we went back, not really thinking much of it and we noticed that he was visibly shaken at the beginning of the evening. Somehow his sixth sense kicked in and he knew what was coming. He could probably smell those firework fumes way out yonder. He started to cling to Joe and became increasingly nervous when everyone gathered out on the deck to watch the show begin. Joe and I stayed inside holding him and talking to him and trying to calm him down while he went right back into panic mode the minute the show started. We couldn't help laughing at him. It was so funny and sad all at the same time.

This year was Frank's last Fourth of July at the beach. We were a little better prepared since we knew that he would anticipate that this was the weekend he dreaded. He was shaking in the car on the drive down. He knew. This time, a while before the show started Joe took both dogs into the bathroom and laid on the floor with them watching TV. I tried to watch the show but I was so worried wondering what Frank was doing. He was so happy when it was over.

So that's how he earned the nickname Mr. Fourth of July. Whenever he would act like a tough guy on the walk or around other dogs, Joe and I would always say "Yeah, Mr. Fourth of July. If only they could see you then."

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