Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Scoop on Cooper III

Here's an update from Karen on her Cooper......

She took him to the vet last week for his monthly blood work and his Creatnine levels shot up to 5.2 from 4.3 (the norm high is 1.8). The vet called her very concerned and asked how he was doing at home because 5.2 suggests it may be time to hospitalize him, give him IV fluids and try and bring the Creatnine down. Even doing this though, may not bring down the levels because it could just mean this is his new norm...he was at 3.1 for about three months, then 4.3 around August/September/October and now 5.2. They were both on the fence with doing that because at home he's a little firecracker. He is bouncing off the walls and he is so playful you'd never know he was sick. Karen chose not to keep him overnight because she didn't want to traumatize him and since he was doing so well she thought she would take him home where he's comfortable and keep an eye on him. The vet even said, in these rare circumstances you "treat the patient and not the numbers" and she agreed that Karen take him home.

Karen also told the vet that she didn't like the idea of keeping him overnight because he had already spent the whole day in a cage. The vet said.."are you kidding....he spent 1/2 the day in the pharmacy with Alma". And then she told her they took video and pictures of him getting fluids because once they lay the towel down, he just sits and lays down on it till they're done.....Looks like he's become their mascot!! They asked her if they can put a picture of him on their website. Everybody loves Cooper :)

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