Friday, November 23, 2007

Frances Albert Friday!

This is the first post in my new series - Frances Albert Friday!

Frank has been in my life since he was 6 months old. There are so many stories and memories. He was such a character and such a sweet, sweet boy. I hope that through this series you will learn to love him as much as we all did.

I'm going to start at the beginning when Kevin rescued Frank from Doberman Rescue. Little known fact......Frank's name, as originally given by Kevin, was Jon! Joe wasn't so sure about that. Any Doberman of his needed a special name.......a namesake! Frances Albert Sinatra would do! Didn't hurt that Frank Sinatra happens to be one of Joe's favorite singers ever.

So Kevin and I took Frank to a groomer so he could get all gussied up. We reluctantly left him there as he was already bonded to Kevin and did not want Kevin to leave without him. He got that really worried look on his face and started barking as we left. I'm sure he must have thought we were never coming back. We went off to run some errands and returned a couple of hours later. The groomer was part pet store with a grooming facility in the back. The door into the grooming facility was one of those barn-like doors that is split so you can open the top part and leave the bottom part shut. As soon as we walked in and Frank heard Kevin's voice he went crazy and started barking. That must have been the happiest moment in his life up to that point. We were walking back to the groomer when all of a sudden Frank came flying over the open barn door and practically knocked Kevin down! He looked like a horse in one of those competitions when they gracefully jump over the hurdles. Kevin and I couldn't stop laughing. The guy that ran the pet store/groomer couldn't believe it either.

We knew at that moment that this was a very special little boy.......

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