Monday, November 05, 2007

It's the Evolutionary Story for the Day

Today's dog breed description is of Joe and Darren's other dog Ginger. I couldn't help laughing when I read this because it is so right on. This is basically Ginger to a "T" (for Terrier, of course)!

The Manchester Terrier

"The AKC Standard says, "The Manchester Terrier presents a sleek, sturdy, yet elegant look... with a keen, bright, alert expression." The lively Manchester, keenly observant and discerning, is more devoted to her owner, more responsive, and better mannered than some other terriers.

Athletic and agile, she is best suited to active families, as she enjoys brisk walking every day and all-out running whenever she can get it. However, she must be kept on-leash or in a securely fenced area at all times, for she is very curious, has strong hunting instincts, and will chase anything. Manchester Terriers love to play -- with you, with another dog, or by themselves (with or without a toy!).

With her acute senses and wariness of strangers, the Manchester Terrier makes an excellent watchdog, but early socialization is imperative so that she does not become sharp or timid. Manchesters are not given to fiery posturing with other dogs and are generally accepting, but they will stand their ground and fight when challenged or when they feel their space has been invaded. Two adults of the same sex should not be kept together. Smaller creatures, including low-flying birds, will be pursued with determination.

The Manchester Terrier is smart and trainable if you are a confident, consistent leader who can smile at her antics, yet not allow her to outwit you. She is exceedingly sensitive to physical corrections, so use a light hand on the leash and rely more on praise and food rewards. (Food in moderation, please: she tends to pack on pounds quickly.)
Manchesters are comfort-loving dogs who seek out soft beds and often tunnel under the covers. They can be possessive of their food and toys and some like to bark." The Manchester Terrier was developed in Manchester, England, to hunt vermin. She especially excelled in rat-killing contests, a fashionable gambling activity in British pubs.

There are two sizes: Standard and Toy. Size Standard: 15-17 inches and 12-22 lbs. Toy: 8-13 inches and 8-12 lbs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They forgot one size: Ginger Standard 35-50lbs.
Just Kiddddddddding!

