Thursday, November 29, 2007

Leaky Bum...

Poor Jake.....I think the stress of having a new sister has gotten to him.

Edie used to ignore Jake. She only was interested in his toys and his food. Well, lately as he has started to get more comfortable with the idea of sharing his house with his new canine companion, Jake has started to hang out with us. Suddenly Edie can't live without him. She chases him, she sits in front of him and barks at him. She nips at his tail. She wants to play with him like she plays with her doggie friends. He growls, he hisses, he runs away.....

A couple of nights ago Jake jumped up on the vanity and I smelled something funky. One lift of his tail and there it was - the dreaded leaky bum. Time for Jake to be "expressed".

Have you heard of this concept? "Expressing" your pets anal glands? I'll save you a panic attack. Sometimes if our little furry friends don't poop regularly it all gets compacted up in there. They have two glands on either side of their bum bum hole. If they aren't pooping and the glands are not "expressed" their little anal glands can get all filled up and infected. This seems to happen as they get older. It happened to Audrey a few times and it happened to Frank too. Well, now it is Jake's turn.

Auntie Wanda to the rescue. I was so busy with work that Auntie Wanda took 'Javier' to the vet for me. She said he was such a good boy and that the vet said he was a beautiful and otherwise healthy 14 pound, 10 ounce hunk o' love. But he has an infection in his anal glands. They did the "expression" and he came home. Now I have to try to shove half a pill down his throat every day for 1 week. Yesterday I stashed it in the tuna. 1/2 of a tiny little pill. How smart is he that he ate all around the tuna and left the part right in the middle where I put the mashed up pill?

Wish me luck as I try to give him his pill today.....and please, remember to have your pets bum bum 'expressed'.

PS - I would never torture you with an actual picture of the leaky bum so instead we have a close-up of Jake's cute little multi-colored paw.

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