Sunday, May 25, 2008

Canada's Next Top Dog

Yesterday we had a major breakthrough! Little Edie is one step closer to international superstardom. She had her first big AUDITION!!!! Edie and I went for a super long walk. It's a holiday weekend so it was the perfect day to be out and about. It had rained the night before and into the morning so as soon as it cleared we headed out...... with our hoodies on, of course!

We walked through her favorite park and ended up in Beverly Hills. Little Edie loves walking around Beverly Hills. She struts her stuff and everyone stops to pet her. "What kind of dog is she?" they always ask. I jokingly say "She's half fox and half coyote" and for a moment most people believe me. The tourists take her picture and kids and adults melt into a smile as she walks by.

Since the streets are so busy with people and cars I make Edie sit at every corner before we cross the street. The urge to run in every direction is very high and I need to keep her focused. As we practiced our ritual on one busy corner I noticed two men with big cameras across the street eying us. "They must be tourists and they think she is cute" I thought to myself.

As we crossed the street they stopped me and told me they were filming a show about Beverly Hills for Canada and could they film Edie!! I didn't even hesitate. "Of course!" I said. I gave Edie a look as if to say "THIS IS IT!!" and she sat at perfect attention waiting for her instruction. They asked me to do what I had been doing across the street, which was asking Edie to sit and then I'd give her a treat. One guy got down on the ground and filmed her at eye level as she sat on command in her black hoodie with her paw up to receive her treat. Then he asked me to put some treats on the ground and let her eat them.

Suddenly a crowd gathered around us. "Who were we? Why were we being filmed? This little dog in the hoodie is so cute. What's her name? Can I get her picture" There were tourists and shoppers and people waiting to be seated at a crowded restaurant. In a flash all the attention was on Edie. As we finished I was mid conversation with the two men and a little girl who wanted to pet Edie. I remember telling the men that Edie had a blog and before I could ask them where the show would air and was there any way I could see it they thanked me and moved on. I was left in the crowd while Edie basked in the glory of her moment.

So someday, somewhere in Canada my little girl will be on TV. The epitome of life in Beverly Hills. The superstar dog in her black hoodie and pink collar. Her namesake would be so proud.....I know I am.

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