Saturday, May 31, 2008
Oldest Living Dog?

Friday, May 30, 2008
Make It A Double, Please....
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hmmmm..... Maybe Little Edie Could Be A Super Station Master...

A Japanese train company that had been losing money has found a novel way to increase business - a pet cat called Tama.
All the 9-year-old female cat does is sit by the entrance of Kishi Station in western Japan, wearing a black uniform cap and posing for photos for the tourists - who are now flocking to the station in droves from across the nation.
Tama has been doing such a good job of raising revenue for the troubled Kishikawa train line that she was recently promoted to 'super-station-master.'
She never complains, even though passengers touch her all over the place. She is an amazing cat. She has patience and charisma,' Wakayama Electric Railway Co. spokeswoman Yoshiko Yamaki said.
'She is the perfect station master.'
Appointing a cat to turn around fortunes makes cultural sense in Japan, where cats are considered good luck and are believed to bring in business.
People are snatching up novelty goods - postcards, erasers, notebooks and pins - decorated with Tama's photos. There's even a special 1,365 yen (£6.65) book of photos of Tama, called 'Diary of Tama, the Station Master.'
Tama had been on the brink of losing her place to live, with the nearby store where she was raised being torn down. Now, the station is home.
Kishi Station started running without any workers in April 2006 as part of cost cuts. The Kishikawa line had been losing 500million yen (£2.4million) a year as passenger numbers fell steadily to as low as about 5,000 a day, or some 1.9million a year.
After Tama's appointment last year passengers have been gradually returning, recently rising 10 percent to about 2.1million a year.
In December Tama was rewarded with bonus pay - all in cat food.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My Milkshake Brings All The Boys To The Yard
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Another Victory Against Puppy Mills

The Farm bill also adds a provision to federal law to make almost any form of animal fighting a federal felony. It’s also now a federal crime to knowingly possess or train animals for fighting, and the maximum prison time for a single violation of any section of the law goes from three years to five years. It is hard to overstate what a blow this is to dogfighters and cockfighters, and it brings us one step closer to eradicating these criminal industries.
The law also authorizes an increase in potential fines -- quadrupled from $2,500 to $10,000 -- for violations of the Animal Welfare Act, fines that haven’t been upgraded in more than 20 years. Such penalties will more effectively deter abuses at puppy mills, laboratories, circuses, and other facilities that use animals.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Canada's Next Top Dog
Yesterday we had a major breakthrough! Little Edie is one step closer to international superstardom. She had her first big AUDITION!!!! Edie and I went for a super long walk. It's a holiday weekend so it was the perfect day to be out and about. It had rained the night before and into the morning so as soon as it cleared we headed out...... with our hoodies on, of course!
We walked through her favorite park and ended up in Beverly Hills. Little Edie loves walking around Beverly Hills. She struts her stuff and everyone stops to pet her. "What kind of dog is she?" they always ask. I jokingly say "She's half fox and half coyote" and for a moment most people believe me. The tourists take her picture and kids and adults melt into a smile as she walks by.
Since the streets are so busy with people and cars I make Edie sit at every corner before we cross the street. The urge to run in every direction is very high and I need to keep her focused. As we practiced our ritual on one busy corner I noticed two men with big cameras across the street eying us. "They must be tourists and they think she is cute" I thought to myself.
As we crossed the street they stopped me and told me they were filming a show about Beverly Hills for Canada and could they film Edie!! I didn't even hesitate. "Of course!" I said. I gave Edie a look as if to say "THIS IS IT!!" and she sat at perfect attention waiting for her instruction. They asked me to do what I had been doing across the street, which was asking Edie to sit and then I'd give her a treat. One guy got down on the ground and filmed her at eye level as she sat on command in her black hoodie with her paw up to receive her treat. Then he asked me to put some treats on the ground and let her eat them.
Suddenly a crowd gathered around us. "Who were we? Why were we being filmed? This little dog in the hoodie is so cute. What's her name? Can I get her picture" There were tourists and shoppers and people waiting to be seated at a crowded restaurant. In a flash all the attention was on Edie. As we finished I was mid conversation with the two men and a little girl who wanted to pet Edie. I remember telling the men that Edie had a blog and before I could ask them where the show would air and was there any way I could see it they thanked me and moved on. I was left in the crowd while Edie basked in the glory of her moment.
So someday, somewhere in Canada my little girl will be on TV. The epitome of life in Beverly Hills. The superstar dog in her black hoodie and pink collar. Her namesake would be so proud.....I know I am.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend

Friday, May 23, 2008
Cancer Sniffing Dog To Be Cloned

Cloned fetuses from the black labrador retriever named Marine were last month implanted into a surrogate mother dog, said Ra Jeong-Chan, president of RNL Bio."We are going to see the clones around the end of this month," Ra said.
Marine, who is six and half years old, lost her ability to reproduce when she had her womb removed because of disease. She is owned by Yuji Satoh, a head trainer at St. Sugar Cancer Sniffing Dog Training Center, located at Shirahama in Chiba prefecture.
"We are making clones of Marine. She is touted as having a world top cancer-sniffing ability. By making her clones, we want to promote studies into cancer-sniffing dogs," Satoh said. "It's the world's first cloning of a cancer-sniffing dog."
He and the Korean firm, which is coordinating the project, have agreed to produce two clones and train them at Satoh's center. One will then be brought back to South Korea for study at the university and the other will stay at the centre. If the project for two pups succeeds, they plan to produce more.
RNL Bio's last such project was an order for the world's first commercial cloning of a pet dog -- a request from a U.S. woman to re-create her beloved former pit bull. The firm said in February it planned to charge 150,000 dollars to clone the pit bull for the California woman, using tissue from her dead pet named Booger.
Lee's team also produced seven clones of drug-sniffing dogs last year at the request of the Korea Customs Service. They are said to be easier to train than ordinary canines.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
A Day In The Life of Little Edie.....
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hello, My Name Is......

Police rescued the African grey parrot two weeks ago from a neighbor's roof in the city of Nagareyama, near Tokyo. After spending a night at the station, he was transferred to a nearby veterinary hospital while police searched for clues, local policeman Shinjiro Uemura said. He kept mum with the cops, but began chatting after a few days with the vet.
"I'm Mr. Yosuke Nakamura," the bird told the veterinarian, according to Uemura. The parrot also provided his full home address, down to the street number, and even entertained the hospital staff by singing songs.
"We checked the address, and what do you know, a Nakamura family really lived there. So we told them we've found Yosuke," Uemura said.
The Nakamura family told police they had been teaching the bird its name and address for about two years. But Yosuke apparently wasn't keen on opening up to police officials. "I tried to be friendly and talked to him, but he completely ignored me," Uemura said.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I'm Moving to Japan.....

A Hello Kitty blog will start around late June on the Chinese language page of the campaign website to introduce tourist attractions in Japan, including historic and popular sites, Kyodo said.
In March, the foreign ministry appointed another cartoon cat, robo-cat Doraemon, as a charm ambassador in a bid to promote the nation's culture and win the hearts of future world leaders.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Mama's Got A Brand New Bag...

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Cat Fact or Cat Fiction???

Of course, since a myth is a type of story or legend, many other people wonder if these kitty chronicles are absolutely true, partially true or completely false. Below are just a few of the many myths – complete with the truths and/or falsehoods shadowing them – behind the mysterious creature known as the cat.
MYTH: Cats only purr when they are happy.
FACT: While it is a well-known fact that cats do indeed purr when they're happy, this isn’t always the case. Oftentimes, they will purr when they are in pain and, believe it or not, even when they are dying. Also, cats have been known to purr when they are giving birth – which is an extremely distressing, laborious and excruciating experience. Unbeknownst to most humans, a feline’s purr is more an expression of emotion than an expression only of happiness.
MYTH: All Tortoiseshell cats are females.
FACT: While the immense majority of Tortie cats are indeed female, an occasional male, although extremely rare, will show up in a litter of kittens. However, the vast majority of these multi-colored males are sterile and cannot reproduce.
MYTH: Cats will “suck the breath” out of a newborn if it gets in the infant’s crib.
FACT: This myth simply is not true and is an old wive’s tale. The reason people have believed this legend is much simpler than a cat “sucking the life” out of a baby. Although infants have been found deceased while a cat is in its crib, the truth of the matter is that kitty was only cuddling with its little pal and accidentally smothered the little one by stretching out and covering the infant’s mouth and nose. In no way is this an intentional act. To keep this from happening, however, parents should NEVER leave the family cat (or dog) unsupervised around their child.
MYTH: Black cats bring bad luck and have long been associated with witchcraft.
FACT: For a long time in Europe pagan religions – such as witchcraft – were the dominant belief and all cats, but especially black ones, were supposedly the witches’ comrades. During the rise of the Christian religion in Europe, the church decided that witchcraft was evil. And since the church attributed cats to witches, cats were thereby deemed evil by proxy. Also, since felines are primarily nocturnal and are unbelievable stalkers – allowing them to sneak around during the night – made humans extremely paranoid. So, being associated with the darkness of night, unfortunately didn't help their image since the color “black” has always been associated with evil – due to our ancestor's misinterpreted fear of the night.
MYTH: Red/orange cats are almost always male.
FACT: While the statistics are high that a red/orange tabby is usually male, the female gene sometimes sneaks in and creates a somewhat unusual red/orange female – although it seems most cat owners have had at least one of these supposedly “uncommon” cats in their lifetime. Perhaps their uncommonness is becoming more common.
MYTH: Cats always land on their feet – no matter how far they fall.
FACT: It is true that cats can twist their bodies around while in the air if falling from a great distance and, most times, will land on their feet (which probably doesn’t feel too good on their precious paws). However, broken bones are a concern from a fall from a balcony in someone’s apartment. Owners must NEVER allow their cats out on a balcony unless there is some kind of screening in place and there is no chance for kitty to escape. Because the worst accidents usually occur from city high-rise buildings, this phenomenon has been termed “High Rise Syndrome” by veterinarians. Cats who fall from shorter distances, however, may become seriously injured because they do not have enough time to twist their bodies around and “right” themselves, thus they may not land on their feet.
Friday, May 16, 2008
For Peete's Sake....
Peete and Ginger are doing very well together. We had another trainer come to the house and everyone is following his advice. As long as we are all on the same page and the training is consistent it will help Peete and Ginger learn how to co-exist. Ginger is being very good with her new brother. She still has her snippy moments but we know how to correct the behavior now.
Little Edie has also met her new cousin Peete and they really love each other. Peete is so lucky. He has two little girls to play with and to watch over. He's the new leader of the pack. Here's a video of them all after a long bonding pack walk. Peete is all legs and big heavy paws. I'm trying to teach him to play gentle with the little girls.....
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I Have Positive "Chi" huahua

“Pets themselves are Feng Shui,” according to expert, Yvonne Phillips, author of the book Feng Shui ABC. "Pets emit a strong, positive form of energy in your home because they are constantly in motion. There is no better Feng Shui for your home than having an animal run around spreading positive chi."
Critics consider it a pseudoscience, but followers are convinced of its powerful effect on achieving Chi. In the United States, Feng Shui has gained popularity as a thoughtful practice of arranging objects in our homes (such as furniture) to achieve harmony with our environment.
“Pets already possess upbeat, positive energy,” she explains. “And best of all, they generally want to be in the same room you’re in, which generates ‘good energy’ around you whenever you’re at home.”
Feng Shui is often referred to as a form of therapy, because of it’s believed ability to enhance our spirit and wellbeing when practiced correctly. Phillips assures that feng Shui can be effective for pets too.
“Look at the area where your pet likes to hang out,” encourages Phillips. “Our animals are drawn to the best energy in a room or a home.”
She goes on to explain that if you generate positive energy in your home, you can enhance your pet’s overall health and happiness—without having to rearrange or redecorate your home.
Though the study and practice of Feng Shui can seem complex for beginners, Phillips suggests that pet parents simply arm themselves with careful observation and common sense to create good Chi for our pets.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Edamame is Next.....

Skeptics said the dog had to be dyed green but the owner said the puppy was born green. Veterinarians said it is possible for a newborn puppy's fur to be green because the placenta, which is green, rubs off at birth.
Monday, May 12, 2008
In The Drivers Seat.....

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Oh and get a load of the voice of Edward James Olmos in the beginning "My name is Papi"???? Gee......how original. Papi. Does he fall in love with Mami??
The plot of this movie still escapes me but I'm sure it will be up for an Oscar nom so I'm going to go online now and see if I can order my advance tickets.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
You're Not Welcome Here Anymore......

By Kelly Hartog Editor, BHCNP
It has taken almost five months of active campaigning by animal rights organizations, but on May 7, the doors of the Posh Puppy pet store in Beverly Hills were shuttered and a 'For Lease' sign was placed in the window.The brouhaha began back on December 22, 2007, when the Humane Society of the United States, The Best Friends for Animals and the Last Chance for Animals organizations, spearheaded by local actress, writer and animal activist Carole Raphaelle Davis, held a protest outside the Posh Puppy store at 9699 Wilshire Blvd., to make passersby aware that pet stores, including Posh Puppy are merely fronts for puppy mills, that keep their dogs caged in inhumane conditions and breed them until they die."
Friday, May 09, 2008
Your Pet's Carbon Pawprint

1-If you have a choice (if your pet doesn’t require prescription foods), buy pet foods produced closer to home. Though manufacturer’s labels often tell only part of the story, foods packaged nearby tend to require less fuel.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Little Edie's First Vacation

This was a real test for Little Edie. Would she behave in the car? Would she behave in the house? Would she not pee and poop inside? Would all the girls get along for 3 1/2 days? Would I be able to relax or would I be on constant Edie watch?
I'm happy to report that we had a BLAST! Little Edie was SO good! We lounged around by the pool, we laid around the house, we walked along the golf course and we ate. A lot. We had the BEST food! Edie had so much fun with her cousins. I think they had a lot of fun with her too. Percy is slowly warming up to her. Agnes secretly loves her she just doesn't want to share her treats.

Special thanks to our gracious hosts, Polly & Duane for a wonderful weekend!
Starving Dog Exhibit Reported As A Hoax

Thursday, May 01, 2008
Bon Voyage....
Have a great weekend everybody!!