Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Pet Tortoise Causes House Fire

We’ve all heard stories of cats and dogs causing house fires by knocking something over, but how about a tortoise?

Emma Fox and Paul Butler, a couple in London, were shocked to return to their home and find that their pet tortoise had caused their house to burn down. The couple had left 70-year-old Fred in a tank under a heat lamp to keep her warm. But Fred had piled up her bedding of dry straw too close to the heat lamp which caused flames to go through the house.

Fox said, “We were out shopping when we got a call from the fire brigade saying that our tortoise had set the house on fire. Luckily our neighbor had heard the smoke alarm go off and called the fire brigade.”

All of the animals, including a dog, two baby tortoises, and Fred, got out of the house safely. Even though the couple will need to replace all of their furniture and front door, Fox added, “[Fred] means the world to me - even if she did almost burn the house down.”

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