Monday, March 31, 2008

Introducing Nanook!

I have been giving my good friend, Greg, a lot of s*^t since I started this blog because he hadn't sent me any pics of his dog, Nanook. Come to think of it, I give Greg a lot of s*^t anyways. Greg is like my little brother that I love to pick on. Eventually Greg always does what I tell him and lo and behold.......he FINALLY sent me some pics of Nanook and bless his little heart, he even wrote a STORY!! I'm so proud of you, Greg :)

"Nanook is a very playful Little Bastard, everyday when I get home, the minute I sit on the couch he will come up to me and will lay his head right in my face,until I feed him. I do this on purpose because he is so freckin cute when he does this. When Nanook is tired he has to go under the covers,whether it be my bed or a blanket on the couch. He will dig his way under them and his little butt is always straight up in the air. He is perfect at night he goes to bed when I do and wakes up when I wake up. He likes to sleep by my ass for some reason and the Little Bastard is a bed hog. Nanook is also the bigest pussy when it comes to other dogs. He is a lover not a fighter. All the ladies love him and he loves all the ladies back. Bailey, who is my neighbors dog, loves Nanook, and tries to have her way with him, but Nanook will have none of that because he is better than that. He is interested in another bitch named Ellie who belongs to my friends mother. Ellie is more classy then Bailey and is playing hard to get with Nanook. Poor Little Bastard..."

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