Monday, March 31, 2008

Introducing Nanook!

I have been giving my good friend, Greg, a lot of s*^t since I started this blog because he hadn't sent me any pics of his dog, Nanook. Come to think of it, I give Greg a lot of s*^t anyways. Greg is like my little brother that I love to pick on. Eventually Greg always does what I tell him and lo and behold.......he FINALLY sent me some pics of Nanook and bless his little heart, he even wrote a STORY!! I'm so proud of you, Greg :)

"Nanook is a very playful Little Bastard, everyday when I get home, the minute I sit on the couch he will come up to me and will lay his head right in my face,until I feed him. I do this on purpose because he is so freckin cute when he does this. When Nanook is tired he has to go under the covers,whether it be my bed or a blanket on the couch. He will dig his way under them and his little butt is always straight up in the air. He is perfect at night he goes to bed when I do and wakes up when I wake up. He likes to sleep by my ass for some reason and the Little Bastard is a bed hog. Nanook is also the bigest pussy when it comes to other dogs. He is a lover not a fighter. All the ladies love him and he loves all the ladies back. Bailey, who is my neighbors dog, loves Nanook, and tries to have her way with him, but Nanook will have none of that because he is better than that. He is interested in another bitch named Ellie who belongs to my friends mother. Ellie is more classy then Bailey and is playing hard to get with Nanook. Poor Little Bastard..."

Sunday, March 30, 2008

In Memory.....

Our dear friend, Debra, passed away yesterday after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Debra was a free spirit. She loved life. She had an infectious laugh and a love of animals. She lived for her dogs. They went everywhere with her. That love for her dogs kept her fighting for the last few years. We were all so amazed at her will to live even when the doctors kept telling her there was nothing else they could do. She wouldn't hear it. She pressed on. She wanted to live for her babies.

Debra had four beautiful dogs - Charley Girl, Casey, Romy and Nikki. Debra passed away at home surrounded by her dogs, some friends and family. My thoughts go out to her mother, her sisters, Karen and Patty and to her faithful friends, Cameron, Evan, Karen and Robin who went above and beyond to care for a friend during such a difficult time.

We're Back!!!

Hey everybody,

Had to take a little break there! Thanks for hanging in and for all your emails. Lots to catch up on so stay tuned!

Michelle, Little Edie and Jake

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Dog Adopts A Different Kind Of “Kid”

Billy the boxer has love for all sorts of animals. He has adopted an abandoned baby goat as his “kid.” Billy has taken over the parental role for 12-day-old kid named Lilly. He even sleeps with her, licks her and protects her at the wildlife center where she lives.

Lilly was abandoned by her mother when she was just several hours old and was then adopted by Billy. She was the smallest of a litter of three kids, and her mother abandoned her because she could only take care of the two stronger ones. Over the last month, Billy and Lilly have been inseparable.

Billy’s owner said, “Lilly follows Billy around which is really quite amusing to watch and Billy sleeps with the goat and cleans her mouth after she feeds.”

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What If?

Pet Tortoise Causes House Fire

We’ve all heard stories of cats and dogs causing house fires by knocking something over, but how about a tortoise?

Emma Fox and Paul Butler, a couple in London, were shocked to return to their home and find that their pet tortoise had caused their house to burn down. The couple had left 70-year-old Fred in a tank under a heat lamp to keep her warm. But Fred had piled up her bedding of dry straw too close to the heat lamp which caused flames to go through the house.

Fox said, “We were out shopping when we got a call from the fire brigade saying that our tortoise had set the house on fire. Luckily our neighbor had heard the smoke alarm go off and called the fire brigade.”

All of the animals, including a dog, two baby tortoises, and Fred, got out of the house safely. Even though the couple will need to replace all of their furniture and front door, Fox added, “[Fred] means the world to me - even if she did almost burn the house down.”

Monday, March 03, 2008

Hot Bitch of The Week!

Meet Cindy the amazing performing pooch, who can balance almost anything on her tiny paws and nose. The eight-year-old pedigree Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the queen of doggy-balancing because she can hold beer mats, CDs and even yogurt cups perfectly still on her two front paws and nose.

The remarkable little spaniel is the pride and joy of retired electro-plater Ron Bucknall and his wife Irene. Mr Bucknall, who bought Cindy as a puppy, said she is truly one of a kind. "I've had dogs all my life but I've never come across one like this before. "I can do tricks with this dog that you'd have to go through another 1,000 dogs to find."

Cindy rolls onto her back and plays dead at her owner's command, and enters a "trance-like state" when performing her balancing feats. Ron, 75, said: "At first she wags her tail, then I put just a piece of biscuit in her mouth and she freezes. "Honestly, not a hair on her body moves."

His son Matt added: "Dogs are notoriously fidgety, so the way she can sit absolutely still to balance things on her head is absolutely incredible. "She really is amazingly bright and doesn't forget anything."

She is not in the best of health with a weak heart and arthritis. Her legs are strengthened with steel implants.

It's a Bird.....It's a Plane.....It's.......

The flying chihuahua!!! A chihuahua that went paragliding in Australia strapped to its owner's chest survived when the pair crashed into a tree shortly after taking off, police said Saturday.

Victoria state police said a 42-year-old man set off early Friday evening for what they described as "a routine flight" with his pet dog.

The man and his intrepid canine got into difficulties and crashed into a tree, where they became entangled 35 metres (115 foot) up.

Police found the pair after the man called them from his mobile phone, and they were safely retrieved from the tree after being stuck up there for almost five hours.

Police said the man received abrasions in the crash. The chihuahua was believed to be unharmed.
(Thanks, Karen)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Meet Dizzy, The Earth Friendly Dog

Dizzy is trying to keep her carbon “pawprint” small.

This two-year-old mix is doing her part to save Mother Earth by recycling cans, plastic bottles, cardboard and pretty much anything that she can recycle in her family’s recycling shed. She even collects plastic bottles on the beach and takes them to the nearest recycling bin.

Dizzy’s owner said, “You cannot drink a cola or beer from a can because she wants it. She also carries our recycling bags and even tries to carry bin liners, but they are a bit too large for her, so she ends up dragging them behind her. Sometimes we have to check our recycling bins to make sure she has not taken unopened mail out.”

This earth-friendly dog was adopted by her family from the St Francis Home for Animals. A spokeswoman for the organization said that they couldn’t take any credit for Dizzy’s recycling skills.

Keep it up, Dizzy!

The French Connection

Le your pooch dreaming of afternoons at Les Deux Magots? Now Paris is only a squeek toy away with these cute recreations of all things Parisian. Starting at $12.....

