Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sacred Sunday Morning

I have a rule. If I can help it. I don't do anything before noon on Sunday. No housework, no regular work, no nothing. My favorite way to start the day is to make a good pot of coffee, serve myself a lovely breakfast and put the whole thing on a fancy tray. Just like getting room service in a great hotel!! Then I take the whole thing outside on the patio and I enjoy my leisurely breakfast and coffee along with my Sunday paper.

Well, I'm not the only one who enjoys this routine. This past Sunday I stepped away for a moment and Little Edie took over my spot. She brought her toy too (see the brown rabbit on the right?). And so what if she jumps all over the paper, tries to eat my breakfast and licks out of my coffee cup? Now we have Sacred Sunday Morning together. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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