Sunday, July 06, 2008

Little Edie's First Fourth of July...

Little Edie and I were invited to spend the evening of the fourth at Polly's parents' house. Off we went with Percy and Agnes in tow. Polly's parents have two Westies, Harry and Claudette. Lisa was also there with her sweet lab mix, Coco. So.....did you do the math? That's SIX dogs!! All females except for Harry. And all little dogs except for Coco. Edie was trying to play with Coco all night. Harry and Claudette just followed Edie around (I think Harry is in love). Agnes just ran around the whole night getting her fun on where she could and Percy.....perched on her pillow watching it all from afar.....

Here's a little video of the fun....complete with fireworks!

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