Friday, October 24, 2008

Dog Night at The Pumpkin Patch

We started celebrating Halloween 2008 a little early this year. Our local pumpkin patch had a really fun dog night. Edie had a blast!! She wore her pumpkin costume. There were other dogs to play with, a trainer to give advice, a pet psychic and even the pupperazzi who took this cute picture. Everyone got a doggie goody bag on the way out.

Here's Edie playing with another dog who was a workman with his toolbelt.

Here's a little video Edie's reading with the pyschic, or animal communicator, as she preferred to be called.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is Your Pet Ready For Halloween?

It's almost that time of year again! This is Halloween #2 for me and Edie. How time flies. Remember this post and this post from last year?

Little Edie has a couple of really cute costumes lined up. Stay tuned for pics and all the details. We have some fun stuff and events planned for this year including our pumpkin carving night while we watch the classic "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" plus a fun night out with all the dogs at the local pumpkin patch.

Do you have your pets costume picked out? If not, here's some links to places where you can buy some great costumes.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Real Truth About Cats and Dogs

My friend, Dickse, has two dogs and three cats. She sent in this great home movie that she shot of Willard, her Frenchie and Wagu, her Main Coon cat. I think I see Gellar, her other Frenchie, in there too! This is such an adorable video and it shows that cats and dogs really can get along!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Will the Real Beverly Hills Chihuahua Please Stand Up

Yes, I'm still bitter that my Little Edie was not chosen to star in the blockbuster movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Unlike the 'fake' dogs in the movie she actually LIVES in Beverly Hills. She walks the streets and parks of Beverly Hills. She struts down Rodeo Dr. and visits all of her designer store friends. She hangs out at her mommy's office in Beverly Hills. Tourists take her picture. They film her. She sits, lays down and claps her paws on demand. She even rides in style in her plush car seat complete with pink cell phone (1-555-WOOF).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

How Will You Vote on Prop 2 ??

It's almost election day. Are you prepared to cast your vote on Prop 2? In case you need to know more, here is a video featuring Wayne Pacelle, the President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States. Wayne was recently featured on the Oprah show where they dedicated an entire hour to the subject.

For even more information here is a very detailed and helpful website:

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today would have been Audrey's 15th birthday. In memory of my little girl....

